I mean just mouse button holding instead of clicking. javascript -> "onmouseover/onmouseenter" insted of "onclick"
RE: Manual Reclaim with just one click
Manual Reclaim with just one click
Would a manual reclaim be possible like this -> Player clicks first stone/mass and holds the mouse button, then moves the mousecursor to next stones/mass, these gets marked without an andditional click.
RE: Engineers on patrol travelling far away
@ftxcommando said in Engineers on patrol travelling far away:
I use patrol 2 times a decade
I use fac attack move 2 times every minute
Ofc. you don´t use it, it´s shiat how it works.
What i like about the fac attack, the engees don´t drive around and stay static on their spots,
no pathfinding, no collisions, no pointless driving around, just reclaiming on the destination spot.A reclaim feature how works like the fac attack without a fac needed would be cool.
RE: Engineers on patrol travelling far away
When i started FAF i was so angry about this engi patrol behavior and quit FAF, engies all over the map made me crazy.
After some weeks i watched a reclaim video and learnd about the attack move and came back to faf.I wish engies would never leave the patrol path, when fac bug and patrol are connected i would sacrifice this fac bug for a reliable patrol behavior. Fac bug is a weird nonsense feature, patrol is much more important.
RE: WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas
Commander can stomp over small units and crush them.
RE: Gauging interest for new gamemode (Full Share-lite)
It could this, it could that... you all can just host a game a try this mod, wich i will do, specualting is not necassary, its allready done. Play some rounds, send your Com into death an look if it´s fun or not.
Nobody is forced to play this mode.
In case Com gets to much disposable, there could be some workaround, but i don´t know if the faf team want
to change some balance. Like every Com alive gets some extra mass/E for the team or something.Sorry for beeing lttl rude
RE: Gauging interest for new gamemode (Full Share-lite)
Someone actually played this "Decapitation" mod?
Maybe there should be a small balance change additional to this mod.
If all ACUs get something you don´t want to lose, it would prevent suicide attacks and would punish you for losing your Com,
but you can keep playing, APM would not decrease.More base production based on Com veterancy.
Vet0 -> +1 mass, +20 E, Vet1 -> +2mass, + 40E, Vet2 -> +4mass, +70E...A default RegenAura for every Com.
Team with more coms could risk more and use it on the frontline, while the team with one com left would hide it.Would like to see a Matchmaker option to play this gamemode.
RE: Small suggestions topic
Suggestion: Make the factory engineer attack not ending.
Engineers lose this sweet sweet mode when they can´t find any mass or sometimes randomly.
The annoying part is, you have always to watch if there is still mass on the ground, if you are 2 secounds to late
the engenieers go idle and leave the attack mode, despite you would like to send them to another mass.When they don´t lose the attack mode you can be more relaxed and move the factory attack waypoint just later.
I don´t know if this is an issue, but someone could send some engineers to a location as a weapon and try to eat enemy units,
but this would be probably a very bad deal. -
RE: MM why 3min queue?
The benefit is, the average time would be less, thats the benefit.
"The solution is to fix the connection problems not to provide a bandaid fix by tampering with the timer."
True, but it would help instant, anyway, i hope for a connection fix.Probably one number needs to be changed, nobody would be hurt.
About gamequality i gave examples.
As far i know the MM starts if both teams has near the same score ( 1500 vs 1489 or something),
this would be the same if he checks every 20-60 secounds. -
RE: MM why 3min queue?
Still, the countdown should be removed or just be some secounds, even without the connection issues.
With a smaller countdown it´s less punishing to abort the gamesearch/queue and start later again.
"I can grab a drink" is a weird argument. Without a countdown you can still grab a drink, just abort and start later.
3 min. gives no better matches. If someone wants a super perfect balance, he/she can influence it only by him/herselfe,
by waiting for a big number of ppl in the queue. You can wait 1h and the game finds a match even if there are
only 8ppl around ( 4v4 ), in another case you can wait 30 sec. and the game starts with 20ppl ( 4v4 ) in the queue and a "better" balance.For super sensitive ppl there could be a inpute field [min. number of player to join the queue ], but i don´t
need such a thing.Connection errors would punish less, you can half the time maybe more for another try, maybe not
that much like my example above, but still.There is probably no intersection between the queues. Even if someone joins all ( 1v1, 2v2, 4v4 ) queues,
nothing would change. -
MM game quality question
Why MM games have a bad quality, or is the quality acceptable, or the % is showing nonsense?
My last 20 games ( 53% min, 84% max, 67% avg. )
RE: Prebuilt engis
that would be cool. ( you should get littl more mass/E in this case )The idea is, you get less initial resources ( 3* engi costs )
You can´t spam instant tanks or so with the first factory just because you got 3 "free" engis.
Raid would be the same in this case.Only question is, is there any tactic where you build less then 3 engis after your first fac.
First factory would be fast, then you could send your engis to hydro or build pgens/mex or whatever
and play like usual.I will try this prebuilt feature then, but i need to figure out how to set less initial mass/E.
Prebuilt engis
What if the player gets 2-3 engis from the start.
After building the factory everybody is building at least 3 engis or more, prebuilt
engies could speed up the slow first minutes, balance would be untouched.Any cons?
RE: Gauging interest for new gamemode (Full Share-lite)
I like that idea, it could make the game more relaxing, you have less pressure to dissapoint your teammates.
Had a similar idea months ago, like an escape-pod for your Com. When your Com gets killed an pod ( 20000 HP or so)
luanches and you have 1 min fuel to land somewhere.
You get a secound chance with a mini-me version ( 1000 HP, 10dps ) of your com, but if he gets killed then its finally over."crazy com rush" sounds fun
True, it would make sense to suicide when you can kill a massive enemy army. -
RE: MM why 3min queue?
2min? My client needs just 2 secounds or what do you mean?
RE: MM why 3min queue?
Less countdown would be kind of a solution, maybe 30 secounds.
Like i said CoH has not even a countdown.3mins are actually not that of a big deal, but the connection issues are.
countdown 1 min
no match found
+3 min
match found -> connection error
+3 min
no match found
+3 min
match found -> connection error
+3 min
game found -> game connected -
RE: Thought about the 4vs4 MM
I would like it because i kind of like generated maps more, but there are just not enought player for this i think.
RE: MM why 3min queue?
The god old "but something else is worse" argumentCoH1 Matchmaker ( 2v2 ) starts even when there are 5-6 ppl around. Coh2 i dono.
You can be certain a game starts secounds after clicking the search button, sometimes maybe 1-2min or so.
Playerbase is littl higher in coh 2v2 but not much and none existing in 4v4.3min are arbitrary, you could always argue, more time = more balance, but then you can say, lets set up 30min or more
for even more balance. What is the balance goal, and is this goal already reached, why waiting then when it´s reached?Never wanted play 1v1 or 4v4 at the same time, i doubt there is even an intersection.
It´s so painfull to wait 2-3 min, when you see 15-20 ppl in the 4v4 queue or 6-10 in the 2v2 queue.Weird thing, sometimes ppl leave the queue and the balance gets worse, game starts anyway becaus the balance is good enought after all.
RE: MM why 3min queue?
It´s so nice of the game to give me time to go piss or grab a drink
thx game!
Serious, i can do it by myselfe and abort the queue, come back and startover.Actually it´s worse, when timer is 1:00 but my task takes 1:30, i have to abort, come back, and wait another 2:30 or so.
Like i said, there is no guarantee for a better balance. If the balance is low the MM have to wait for another player, or
start immedietaly. [Sarcastic] Why not a 60 min timer to get a perfect perfect perfect match with 99,999% [/sarcastic]if a match has a higher rating then the avarage % it should/could start immedietaly..
Played Company of Heroes for several years, MM starts immedietaly or waits for more players in case of bad balance.