yep ur right hat stupid from me,.....
RE: cannot build some things anymore t2 are some pictures. just joined a modless game. at dual gap with cybran. and as seen in picture when i tech up to t2 i cannot build shield tower t2 or radar t2. also with engineers i cannot
RE: cannot build some things anymore t2
i dont use mods, i just logon a game someone created.
like i have also a problem creating a game, its says title not there. so i also cannot create games. i have screenshots.i just join a game, doesnt matter which one, i always prefer no mods. i never just mods,
cannot build some things anymore t2
i cannot build shields anymore with t2. This is with commander and also with engineers. i can also not build radar anymore. and t2 missile defense.
maybe there are other things i cannot build, but this happened to me the last few games i played.
how can this be? i also asked other players and they could build it.
i have this with cybran, but i think its also with other factions.
i have maked screenshots of it.