Or you could simply introduce in faf antiteleport structures from some mods out there and be done with telemazer once and for all. And you would need only balance teleport denial range, building cost and maintenance energy cost of those structures
For example make it increase teleportation cost and time inside of area protected by such structure, instead of complete denial. I think that would solve cheap and low risk telesnipes in fullshare games, while teleport would remain viable option in all kinds of maps and game modes.
RE: Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread
RE: Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread
@thewheelie said in Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread:
You are right that telemazer is not too strong in non full share games, but it's impossible to balance a strategy game around all different map sizes, different maps and different gameplay settings. Some sacrifices have to be made in some way or another. Labs are useless on big maps/chokepoint maps. Game enders are useless on small maps. Telemazer is maybe risky on assasination but is OP on full share.
You have to keep in mind though that one of the reasons why you think telemazer is hard to use is because it's so strong that almost everyone auto builds shields and pd as tele defense. As lategame telemazer is around 20k mass (the power you get as overflow from the air player) it isn't uncommon to see 50k mass worth of teledef around the map even if there is no tele scouted. The fact that it's hard to pull of a telesnipe with that doesn't necessarily mean it's weak in that case.
Sera tele sacu might be addressed in the sacu rework.
You should play checkers with such logic.
You said it yourself that telemazer only becomes problem on specific maps with specific settings, but instead of directly balancing laser upgrade, you decide to nerf all teleports in game. You make other teleport strategies useless and create yourself more work to balance other teleport units instead.
If you want to make some sacrifice then to sacrifice less would be more logical. Just increase mass cost of laser upgrade and thats it.
Personally i think combination laser + teleport should become more costly, but cost of laser + cloack should stay the same. So while laser upgrade would become expensive, cloack upgrade should become cheaper, comparable to t2 shield upgrade of aeon com, and cheaper than sera advanced nano. Because it is defensive upgrade but it countered easier than another factions defensive upgrades. -
RE: Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread
See above. Also it is not feasible to simply nerf 1 factions teleport without anything in return. The nano upgrades for different factions are of different costs but also of different strengths. We will not have the same strength teleport upgrade with different costs.
Maybe my engrish not good enough, but i never said to nerf teleport for 1 faction. I said to nerf telemazer if you see it as huge problem. It could be done by increasing laser upgrade build time or cost, although you already nerfed damage by 25%. But personally i don't see any problem with telemaser now, i'd say it will become problem when there is no counter play. It is not like faf played only fullshare, it is actually big risk to use telemazer in late game when fullshare is off. If you can rush telemaser early for cheesing your opponent- then it is your skill and opponent's mistake for not scouting or making counter to that, same as nuke rush, strat rush, notha/corsair rush, t3 arty rush.
Must i say that even with laser, teleport and t3 upgrades cybran acu very vulnerable to teledef. Unlike certain telesacu with more than 50k hp and 250 regen. -
RE: Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread
Should just increase build time and cost of all air units of the same tier by % you want to decrease their amount . People mainly use big grids without assist to spam asf and use 1 or 2 factories with heavy assistance when building strats or t3 gunships. So it won't be big nerf to strat building, but will have impact to mass asf spam. And they still be same ol asf that we know without much troubles, that could potentially appear with ground and sea aa, other air tier planes
RE: Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread
Also make mercy great again
RE: Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread
I can't understand why you want to nerf telemazer and kill all teleports at the same time. It is like you want to kill fly and use nuke for this.
Imho if only problem is telemazer, then increase its build time or cost, only for cybran acu, otherwise you kill all other uses of teleports.
You even increase size of teleport visuals, while many units got buff for direct vision not long ago. Just go further and make enemy team see pings and message in chat "warning, you being telemazered"
If you really must nerf something, nerf seraphim telesacu, i mean its kinda op when you can teleport unit with more than 50k hp directly to smd or game ender, and even more op when you teleport few of those at the same time. Having teledef from telemazer is not even nearly enough to counter sera telesacu.
So instead of buffing uef acu with blly and teleport in different slots, i'd like to see sera sacu with teleport and nanoregen in the same slot. -
sometimes experimentals won't move when ordered
5/09/22 played nomads on gap. beamer and jericho won't move when ordered even on passable terrain like flat land or water. few days before i noticed same issue with ythotha and gc. experimentals just stop listen to move orders without any reason.