Yes, you are right. I was mostly playing 4vs4, and was speaking from that perspective, not even thinking how it would effect in 1vs1 matchups. Well, was just a suggestion, ballance is tricky
RE: Is tier 2 even worth it?
Is tier 2 even worth it?
So, was thinking about this for quite a bit, watched quite a bit of replays from ladder matchmaker (turns out, that was as addictive and fun
), and studied my own matches. In short here are some timers I`ve managed to hit in some of my own games.
Ok, so by min 4 or 5, I was already starting t2 tech, and was done before min 6, while also investing in mass points upgrades, to have around 40 mass per sec, reclaim excluded.
By 7:50 t3 was started, 9:30 was done with 68 mass per sec. That was enough to start producing units fast enough to deal with all the threats around.
We see there, timing for t2 units to do something on the battlefield is 3:30 min. Take into account, t2 starts being much more effective in a critical mass, that can deal with spam well enough, and that makes attack window even shorter. Small enough numbers are easy picks for Commanders with overcharge. That is 1/3 of the game stuff we are skipping than, or rushing over if you want to play optimal.
While numbers can varry depending on the harrasment, reclaim etc. they would still not change drasting enough due to fairly low`ish costs of tier upgrades.
To put it in perspective tier 2 mex upgrade is 900, while t2 tech upgrade was 1170, and tier 3 is 3810.
Even tier 3 units take a while to mass up, and by that time, experimentals start to come out. We have all seen some fast monkeys in our matches.
So I kina feel incentivised to rush to be competitive, and I think game would be better for it if we are not skiping huge chunks of its content. Though this is only my 2 cents on it, it just how it feels for me.
Maybe make the bass and / or build price of each tier upgrade higher to make it an investment since it does offer huge upgrades overall?
RE: WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas
What if you add unit upgrades to its respective HQ? For exsample UEF land HQ could have an upgrade pressureproof shields, that would allow for Titans to walk underwater. Could spice up naval maps with it.
Or some upgrade that will allow idle transports to be able to build stuff like flying engies. Things along that line that give you more strategic options and flexibility with your units, so you can be creative how you play. They should be quite pricey if you want to invest in it, but same goes for your Commander upgrades.
RE: Faf accademy for new players?
Sorry for derping out of conversation, had a good reason for it. That link for trainers, as well as people in the forum there who offered to help out, shows for a fact community shit has passionate people who are willing to help. All my questions have been answered quite well, and my problem solved, so just wanted to say thanks to everyone who took their time to help and join in the conversation here.
What I see here, is a great community and would love to see it grow, and if conversation is going, it can always lead to brainstom ideas for little tweaks here and there, that can greatly improve user experiance when they all stack together.
RE: Faf accademy for new players?
Wow ye, pretty much. Maybe give it some promotion love, maybe some polish if needed and think that would be quite good.
Guess I invented hot water, but it would never occur to me to check for it under contribution tab. Should be on general or even have its own banner on luncher home page.
RE: Faf accademy for new players?
Well, as you have stated well, looking at the situation now, we can say for a fact, its not working, or its not enough, or somewhere in between. What I`m proposing is an improvement, witch is different from the current system, since we stated it doesnt give wanted results.
That is why there is coaching in the strategy games, guides or tutorials are not enough. What I`m suggesting is that. First impresion is what really maters if you want to keep new players.
If I simply log in, see on the news page tab with beginers lobby link (or something like that), with a discord link where I can see if any of the coaches are online, (could be set time few hours per x many days on week or something), create a game, and get quality improvement with a person to not only teach you, and with knowledge comes creativity. Those new breed of players could bring some fresh air, for the lack of the better tearm.
Yes, it requires some work put into in, but from what amazing work I`ve seen here done, and love put in this project, I have no doubt that some work isnt an issue for you guys :D. Soz for the butchered English, not my first language
Faf accademy for new players?
Hello everyone. Speaking from a perspective of a new player who only few months ago found this game, and started playing.
Been browsing topic, and common problem I`ve found is kinda stagnation of the community, especially on higher level ratings, but such problems can quickly move to other brackets fast.
So, hope my perspective can give you some insight how you can retain new players in greater numbers, and have them be a bit competitive. Best motivator when gaining any new knowledge is confidence you will not be wasting your time, when you finally get it.
First feeling you get when you join custom lobby is, you are not welcome there. No greys etc. makes it hard to get out of grey phase. Ok, lets try ranked than, and get spanked in 10ish mins, just feeling overwhelmed. I can watch the replays and maybe figure out something, but most ppl and players dont have that kind of time and dedication, and will just quit there.
So, having some easy to see ladder or bracket would be great, especialy if you can provide some guidance.
This is just a rough idea, and welcome further discussion on it, but here it is in short version.
Have dedicated volountier instructors, who can guide new players by for exsample playing against them, while being on discord. So you can communicate misstakes he makes. If you are droping him, and see no reaction, tell him that. Hey man, just droped ya there, its 15 mins in the game, expect such things, and you can counter by placing radar there or something along those lines.
And added benefit, those players will have a proper grasp of the game, and its mechanics, not only know how to play 1 map. People like to stay in their confidance zone, so if they learned from custom games to play on 1 or 2 maps, they will only stay there, its scary to get outside. So that is another number of players who can be infused on global population of the game.
Hope this made any sense