Some months ago, I made a suggestion in the Discord FAF Game Development channel to at least have a notification in the team chat, when someone changes POV (from X to Y). Unfortunately, it got no traction, or it was simply too labor-intensive to make it happen back then.

My gut tells me (well, by watching random replays), the game-mode gets more and more popular and that is why some QOL additions are needed. I like the mode, and it would be amazing if it would be higher on the priority list.

So far, what is needed, IMO:

Notification in team chat when someone changes player POV Union-control should be opt-in, (like in WC3) and automatically enabled when the player dies/disconnects Bonus: Make it possible to see which units are getting controlled with a different unit selection color (like in WC3) and bug fix mentioned from above poster

I would blindly guess, the developers already were thinking of something like that, when they introduced the game-mode, but lack of time, or SC engine itself makes it complicated/impossible to make those features happen.