Brilliant thanks peoples! I could see from your options this being abused. I'll use the link next time it really annoys me.
Thanks again.
RE: Reporting players / Karma system
Reporting players / Karma system
Hey all, noob to the forum and a pretty below average player.
Something really bugging me recently is the amount of games that are "sabotaged" by team members rage quitting / ctrl + k.
It throws the game etc and well it's just not fun. Especially when there is no Comms before hand. I've had games where the team talks and decides that yeah we lost and to keep playing is a grind. Fair enough. But like I said recently, it's been in the first 15/20mins of a game.
The last one we had map control and air and a guy quit because they got one bomber through and took out a few engineers, so lost our navy and then lost from their navy.
Thoughts? I'm still a little angry at the last game I played