Dont get me wrong, it was great to beat the 'hardest AI settings' in less then 15mins in to the match. It was just less exciting to be able to replicate it every game.
RE: Alx AI acting odd
Alx AI acting odd
Friends and I have been playing with a single mod enabled for years, earlier this week the AI started acting up. Right now the AI wont properly build out T3 and Experimental units correctly until ~30 mins in to the game now. We have the AI set to 5.9 build for both so these AI really should be top of the line tech wise. Not only that but they were set to tech AI. But we did test this behavior against all types of AI and different positions on the same map. The map is an official map not generated or downloaded to make the tests clear. The mod we have active is the nuclear repulse shields mod.
Before this issue started AI would have many T4 buildings and units created.
Now we are lucky to see them 1 hour in to the game.
Things I have attempted so far to fix the issue:
Update the client and verify files. Remove mods. Reinstall mods. Change settings for the match to see if anything else happens. I havent done a full uninstall just yet but if that is the next step I guess I will go down it. Anyone else ever have this issue? Have any ideas on what might have happened?