Power might be what causes these high scores, which I really don't think is reasonable because it is really not that hard building a lot of power generators.
Also early on you can just build a few t1 pgens and thats it for eco. Ecoing is not hard. What is hard is ecoing and fighting at the same time but the fighting part isn't rewarded nearly enough.
In teams where the efforts are split, for example on Dual Gap there is a player who only really does eco in the early and middle game, they gain much higher score even if the frontline players are pushing the enemies back. Sure, the team shares the economy and eco also deserves credit but destroying enemy units seems more important for the game.
I think the numbers when generating power are just a lot higher and also continuous than when dealing damage or killing units. So I think maybe this should be weighted differently. After all the numbers for power, mass cost/generation, HP, damage are all pretty arbitrarily related to each other anyways. So to have the score represent game performance more fairly I think damage dealt and kills should definitely score higher.