Hey all!
This topic is more of a small reference/description for some Sim mods that I use for the strange game mode, but it turns out to be very interesting.
Main differences and exceptions:
- no air units
- no T4 units
- no T3 arty/nukes/sats etc...
- T2 costs x2 T3 costs x3
- longer time to obtain T2 and T3 technologies
- x 1,5 resourses and a lot more energy prodaction for Hydrocarbon
- new land units and PD's from Total Mayhem mod
- x2 HP for units and buidings, PD's has 20% more range
- BO ACU for another ACU upgrades
The essence of this mode
Large ground unit armies, including experimental units with their own characteristics of use and combat commanders. With these settings, turrets are not something insurmountable at the T1-T2 stage of the game, but have good support. Due to the fact that the increased time for obtaining T2 technology, as well as the increase in prices of more technologically advanced units, T2 technology does not dominate so much over T1, and T3 over T2, which, on the other side, allows you to use most of the units throughout the game.
Also, due to the increase in the cost of T3 technology and T3 equipment, the Total Mayhem mod units are not unbalanced a lot.
Building factories surrounded by extractor masses gives a good discount due to the acceleration of factories bp, which creates additional points of interest on the map.
join the game, I hope you find it interesting
list of modifications used:
-Total Mayhem
-BlackOps: ACUs
-x2 resourses, build power, build range, RAS
-res x0,75
-x2 build power
-defence range buff
-T1/T2/T3 x2 HP
-All faction FAF, BlackOps, Nomads
-Tech Age
*thanks a lot for this mods .^^,