Can't Delete text in Chat (not in-game chat)

When in Lobby Chat, when I chat with a friend, I can't erase the chat from session to session. All prior chat texts are always there. So after a month, I have to scroll to bottom to get latest chat messages. HOW DO I ERASE CHAT MESSAGES?? However, I do notice that the moderator chat does erase itself from session to session, just not the friend chat.

Can you provide a screenshot? Looks like you talk about the FAF client chat, but it is in the lobby chat.

"Nerds have a really complicated relationship with change: Change is awesome when WE'RE the ones doing it. As soon as change is coming from outside of us it becomes untrustworthy and it threatens what we think of is the familiar."
ā€“ Benno Rice

it is the lobby chat I'm talking about. And it's not just my problem. Many of my friends commented to me about having the same problem.