Replays Crashing

Good day my fellow FAF players

I am experiencing the issue below but cannot seem to see what the issue is exactly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Unhandled exception:

Premature EOF

Program : C:\ProgramData\FAForever\replaydata\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
Cmd line arguments : nosound /init init.lua /nobugreport /log C:\Users\kjram\AppData\Roaming\Forged Alliance Forever\logs\game_22812992.log /replay gpgnet:// /replayid 22812992

Unknown symbol (address 0x008d462c)

Last 100 lines of log...

debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x04_vo'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x05_vo'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x06_vo'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x1t_vo'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x_fmv'
debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xgg'
debug: MEM: -796091502 bytes SND
info: MD5 of global settings: d2a23d6464d3fd77956e7648c43b5077
debug: MEM: -796091502 bytes SND
debug: Loading module: /lua/sim/buffdefinitions.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/sim/adjacencybuffs.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/sim/adjacencybufffunctions.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/sim/cheatbuffs.lua
debug: Loading module: /lua/user/prefs.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/options/optionslogic.lua
debug: Loading module: /lua/ui/uiutil.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/lazyvar.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/layouthelpers.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/group.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/maui/control.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/text.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/multilinetext.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/button.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/maui/bitmap.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/maui/dragger.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/edit.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/utf.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/ui/controls/checkbox.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/radiobuttons.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/maui/checkbox.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/maui/border.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/scrollbar.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/cursor.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/ui/controls/border.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/ui/controls/ninepatch.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/itemlist.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/skins/layouts.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/ui/controls/popups/popup.lua
debug: -> -> Loading module: /lua/ui/dialogs/eschandler.lua
debug: -> -> -> Loading module: /lua/system/utils.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/ui/controls/popups/inputdialog.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/skins/skins.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/maui/window.lua
info: /replayid
info: REPLAY ID: 22812992
info: adding font file /fonts/arial.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arialbd.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arialbi.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/ariali.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arialn.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arialnb.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arialnbi.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arialni.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/ariblk.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/arlrdbd.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/butterbe.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/vdub.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/wintermu.ttf
info: adding font file /fonts/zeroes_3.ttf
debug: Loading module: /lua/keymap/keynames.lua
debug: Loading module: /lua/keymap/keymapper.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/keymap/keydescriptions.lua
debug: Loading module: /lua/keymap/keyactions.lua
debug: Loading module: /lua/keymap/debugkeyactions.lua
info: Compiled shader: /effects/cartographic.fx
info: Compiled shader: /effects/frame.fx
info: Compiled shader: /effects/mesh.fx
info: Compiled shader: /effects/particle.fx
info: Compiled shader: /effects/primbatcher.fx
info: Compiled shader: /effects/range.fx
info: Compiled shader: /effects/sky.fx
info: Compiled shader: /effects/terrain.fx
info: Compiled shader: /effects/ui.fx
info: Compiled shader: /effects/vision.fx
info: Compiled shader: /effects/water2.fx
debug: Loading module: /lua/options/options.lua
debug: -> Loading module: /lua/usermusic.lua
debug: Wavebank prepared: 1fbe248
debug: Wavebank prepared: 1fbe400
debug: Wavebank prepared: 1fbe978
debug: Wavebank prepared: 1fbeb30
debug: Wavebank prepared: 1fbee28
debug: Wavebank prepared: 6913690
debug: Wavebank prepared: 6915260
debug: Wavebank prepared: 69170b0
debug: Wavebank prepared: 6919040
debug: Wavebank prepared: 691a210
debug: Wavebank prepared: 691c420
debug: Wavebank prepared: 691dc30
debug: Wavebank prepared: 691fd00
debug: Wavebank prepared: 693ffc0
debug: Wavebank prepared: 6941190
debug: Wavebank prepared: 6943530
debug: Wavebank prepared: 6944700
debug: Wavebank prepared: 69458d0
debug: Wavebank prepared: 6946aa0
debug: Wavebank prepared: 6947c70
debug: Wavebank prepared: 6948e40
debug: Wavebank prepared: 694a010