Anyone have MORE BRUSHES than the Default ones in Ozonex Editor?
Just curious if anyone made, or had a link to some more cool brushes than the default ones included in the editor?
@oncehandsome I believe there are some either directly posted or a link to them posted in the #mapping-general channel of the FAF Discord. There's also a bunch of other helpful links in the #mapping-resources channel.
If you haven't already done so, to see the #mapping-general channel, you first need to go to #Channels & Roles, then look for the question "Are you interested in resources for creating maps and mods?", then click on Maps to give yourself the Mapper role. As most of the mappers are there, I'd encourage you to join so you can get the help you need.
There's a pinned message in the FAF Discord in #mapping-general that contains a copy of my brush folder, which includes both brushes that I have made and ones I have collected from others.