Below are two replays, both using v259 of AI Wave Survival, which used the above Code snippet to spawn the Rifts. The Rifts are a newer addition to the mod. Immediately after build time ends, and then again every few minutes, the AI will launch a Rift Nuke (an EMP nuke) that will land near the players. The nuke, on detonation, will create a Rift Orb. The Orbs are used as spawn points for additional waves of units.
The Rift Script runs at the start of the game, testing random locations near players to see if Amphibious units can path to the player's start locations. If the script finds the units can, it will add the location to a list of possible positions Rift Nukes will be launched at.
The code is in the following directory:
\mods\AI Wave Survival\hook\lua\AI\AIBehaviors.lua
For v259:
Function name is CreateRiftSpawnPoints() on line 8864.
All the functions below that, to line 9272, are part of the Rift Nukes/Orb/Waves scripts.
1st Replay with v259, with Human players, I though I had corrected a potential bug in v258 that broke the Rift Script, as I had not added a "if huBrain and not huBrain:IsDefeated() then" check. First Rift Nuke should be launched immediately after Build Time ends, but no Rift Nukes are ever fired the entire match.
Replay: #21288851
2nd Replay with v259, with bots only, to test if Rift Nukes would work. Rift Nuke launches as it is supposed to, at end of Build Time, and another 4 minutes later (they should come every 4 minutes, increasing to every 2 minutes later in the game).
Replay: #21289283
And a final Replay with v257. This was the game where I noticed Rift Nukes were landing on mountains that were not pathable to the players, causing spawned units to get stuck, and is why I added the above Code Snippet. I have reverted v260 to this code, meaning Rifts function in latest version, but may hit in areas that are not pathable.
Replay: #21277826