Score Board bug:
-This seems to be an occasional occurrence caused by an FAF update. Some script goes into an infinite loop and the game doesn't end when it should. I've no idea how or why, and there is never anything in the logs. And on the occasions it has occurred, I haven't a clue what could be the trigger. Considering the game is already over when this does occur, it is mainly an annoyance. -
ACUs not Dying when Players Drop:
-Randomly occurs. This also appears to be a bug related to FAF. The mod automatically sets the game victory conditions to Domination. I assume some bug involving the Domination/Full Share game code in FAF may be at fault for ACUs not dying when players drop. -
T4 Cybran Gunship not Attacking:
-Sounds like the unit state wasn't getting updated. The reason it did start finally moving is I added a script that will eventually clears all commands, that randomly triggers after 4 to 5 minutes. This is so units don't actually get permanently stuck doing nothing. In larger waves, this check takes longer to run just because of the nature of how Lua operates. So, not a bad thing, means the fallback actually works. -
Limited Nukes versus Solo Survivor:
Not a bug, but working as intended. In large team games, losing too many players almost always guaranteed defeat for teams, as it was usually impossible for a few players to replace the lost SMD while also fighting off the full strength of the waves. So, nuke waves scale to surviving player count. In maps with full share and players all next to each other, this could obviously be exploited. Usually, though, when a player is eliminated (not by losing connection), it is because of their base being overrun and any SMD destroyed.
Forgot to add, if you missed the posts, the naval spawn issue is fixed and I did some code optimization that should help with sim speeds, especially with larger waves. In testing with bots, I was getting an extra +1 in sim speed with waves over 500 units in size.