AI Wave Survival Mod Information

Did you adjust settings to have large ASF Response waves now, when you host?

  • no 0,5 asf response
  • antiair response off (nomanders or so i guess)

Navy appears to still be spawning off map. Though this was only around 30 ships, not really enough to cause much issue. I'll have to figure out my error. Looked to only be affecting the X axis and not the Z.

  • yes saw it a few times but didnt check for a few updates.

i will check it.


  1. we had a bug with the score button and my mate and i had to close via task manager / restart pc.
  2. after a player leaves the acu dont blow up some times. they also keep buildings now and then.
  3. a cybran t4 gunship from 2nd HQ didnt leave the spawn for 4-5 min
  4. 10 player game. all but 1 died before nuke wave launched. we only saw 4-6 nukes. it should be 20+ to one player. but we didnt have full vision...


  1. Score Board bug:
    -This seems to be an occasional occurrence caused by an FAF update. Some script goes into an infinite loop and the game doesn't end when it should. I've no idea how or why, and there is never anything in the logs. And on the occasions it has occurred, I haven't a clue what could be the trigger. Considering the game is already over when this does occur, it is mainly an annoyance.

  2. ACUs not Dying when Players Drop:
    -Randomly occurs. This also appears to be a bug related to FAF. The mod automatically sets the game victory conditions to Domination. I assume some bug involving the Domination/Full Share game code in FAF may be at fault for ACUs not dying when players drop.

  3. T4 Cybran Gunship not Attacking:
    -Sounds like the unit state wasn't getting updated. The reason it did start finally moving is I added a script that will eventually clears all commands, that randomly triggers after 4 to 5 minutes. This is so units don't actually get permanently stuck doing nothing. In larger waves, this check takes longer to run just because of the nature of how Lua operates. So, not a bad thing, means the fallback actually works.

  4. Limited Nukes versus Solo Survivor:
    Not a bug, but working as intended. In large team games, losing too many players almost always guaranteed defeat for teams, as it was usually impossible for a few players to replace the lost SMD while also fighting off the full strength of the waves. So, nuke waves scale to surviving player count. In maps with full share and players all next to each other, this could obviously be exploited. Usually, though, when a player is eliminated (not by losing connection), it is because of their base being overrun and any SMD destroyed.

Forgot to add, if you missed the posts, the naval spawn issue is fixed and I did some code optimization that should help with sim speeds, especially with larger waves. In testing with bots, I was getting an extra +1 in sim speed with waves over 500 units in size.

I installed the mod in maps.

I have the map for you and I can play it but I can't activate the survival mod. Can you help me please


Can you be more specific? What steps have you done? The mod only works in the FAF Client, not Vanilla Supreme Commander. It also will work on any map.

Steps for Setting Up:

  1. When creating a game in FAF, enable the mod AI Wave Survival.
  2. Choose any map you want to play on.
  3. Once in hosting lobby, set at least two different Teams.
    -HQ Player can be any kind of AI (Uveso, M28, etc.). The included "AI_WaveSurvival" AI is just a placeholder. This AI builds nothing, but speeds up SIM speeds when used. It also does not over-ride the mods attack scripts, which other AIs may do.
  4. In Map Options, you can set the HQ Player. This is the player that will spawn the HQ and have control of the waves.
    -If you do not set an HQ Player manually, the mod will choose a RANDOM player from the smaller team to be the HQ player. Example, if you host a 3v2 game and don't manually set HQ Player, a random player from the two-player team would become HQ player.
    -If you are playing 1v1, make sure to set the HQ player manually, or you may end up spawning with the HQ and having control of the waves instead of your opponent.
  5. You DO NOT need to set a 2nd Spawn or Alt Spawn points. These are optional. If you do enable the optional spawns, you will need AIs/Players in the spots for those spawn points to work.
  6. In Map Options, configure the mod however you want. Naval waves are off by default. You can enable/disable pretty much anything the mod spawns. I've set the default mod settings to be a challenge for most players around an 800 level ranking.

UPDATE 04.02.2024
Hello Everyone,

as my lobbies gets full within 10 Min and we have a lot of cool mates to play it almost daily, i wanted to share my settings so everyone may enjoy the madness.

If you like to see what you will face, i added my all time favorit match.

If i missed something or it is incorrectly listed, please inform me.

Map: Griffin v7 - only what is NOT default

Slykar Settings:

Share conditions - Fullshare
Victory condition - Sandbox
Reveal Civillian - no
Prebuilt Units - on
Score - on
HQ Spawn Slot - 16
HQ HP 2,5 Mio
HQ ALT Spawn - 14
HQ ALT HP 0,15 Mio
HQ Schild XXXXX - AAA-Tier

2nd HQ Spawn - Slot 15
2nd HQ Schild XXXXX - C-Tier
2nd HQ PD XXXXX - C-Tier
1a. 2nd Spawn Land % - 0%
1b. - 0%
2a. - 30%
2b. - 0%
3a. - 100%
3b. - 0%



Build Time - 8 Min
Delay between Waves - 2,5 Min
Hold Time - (Rating full Lobby (10): +-5000 = 40 Min+, +-7500 35 Min+, +-10.000 30 Min+)
Wave Tech Progression - 65% slower

6a. - 20
6b. - Amp
6d (1). - 2x 1.75x 1.5x 1.25x 1x
6d (2) - 80%
7a. - 40
7c. - 5x 4x 3x 2x 1x
7d. - 20%
8a. - 10
8b. - 1x ------ 2x (Reverse 2x 1.75x 1.5x 1.25x 1x)
8c. - 20%


Boost Damage - 0x


Airdrops on / off - every 2 - 3 Min
Airdrops per Wave - 30
Airdrop Wave multip. - 2x 1.75x 1.5x 1.25x 1x
Airdrop Unit Types - all
Airdrops Rambos - 30%
Airdrop EXP - off
Airdrop Spawn - Center only


2a. - off
2b. - 0,5x
3a. - 0,50%
4b. - on


1a. - Land, Air, Navy
1b. - 0 Min
2a. - 3 Units
2b. - 10 Units
2c. - 2 Min
3c. - Scathis
4a - 2
4b. - 5%
4c. - 2 Units +
4e - off
4g. - 0,50x
5b. - 5x


ECO 1 - 25
ECO 2a - off
ECO 4a - 240 Sec

Nuke Strike Settings:

Nuke Strike on / Off - Offensive
Nuke Start Time - 0,60%
Nuke Frequenzy - 5 - 6 Min
Nuke per Strike - Regular
Increase Nukes per Strike - +2

Build Restrictions:

100 Hives
AI Unit Cap 2000

In Lobby:

Add 8 Mods

Optional - 1,5 Build Range
Optional - 50% Air Craash Damage
Must have - AI Wave Survival created by AKarmy01 & Rama
Optional - All Factions Quantum Gate
Must have - Anti Nuke 50 Cost
Must have - Hive Engineering Stations for all
Must have - No Friendly Fire (Because of AOE PDs)
Optional - 10% Particales

Add 3x AI_Wavesurvial to slot 14, 15, 16

Close but spawn Mex for Slot, 5, 9, 3

Slot 3 is Optional but you must never start as 13. it will be too slow. 11 is doable.

Dont let 200 CPU player play. If someone is slow but others not, ask him to close programms.

CPU around 150 shouldnt slow down the game at all or -1 / -2 worst case. (Kill faster and reclaim more)

Just updated Guide at start with images. Hope this helps people with understanding how to configure and host the mod successfully.

Small Updated:
-Added two options for Support Bases
SB2: Support Bases Multiplier:
-Lets you increase or decrease the amount of Support Bases that spawn! No fewer than 3 Support Bases will ever spawn. Bases scale by player count, Bases = (1 + (Player Count / 2)) * Multiplier. Multiplier goes up to 4x. In an 8 player game, that would spawn 20 Bases, with each base spawning more defenses throughout the match. This may cause slowdowns and even obstruct waves, so keep that in mind (@Slykar )!
EDIT: Limited Max Support Bases to 16.
SB3: Nuke Retaliation:
-You can now disable Nukes as a retaliation for killing support bases, if you prefer to play without the worry of nuclear strikes. Note: A nuclear strike will never occur on the first Support Base destroyed.

A few other Changes:
-Games should end sooner when won during the EndGame stage.
-Retaliations are guaranteed to occur once enough Support Bases are destroyed.
-Fixed a bug where first Support Base being destroyed wasn't being detected in small team games.

Hello Rama,

I think SMD of support bases do not work.
100% not spawning / working for bases in water on Griffin v7.

Guardian too strong, AAA too weak.:

I once had 70 or 80 Sera Carriers firing at a Guardian TMD on the edge of the HQ base and not 1 missile made it. i don't think it's supposed to be impossible on purpose.

Since TMD SMD and shields are together, I had to scale them down to AAA to do sea attacks and now the shields feel kinda weak. The HQ defenses were destroyed in my game after 8 min buildtime and 30 out of 35 min hold time.

AI ASF target Sats.

AI ASF patrol around the building that is attacked by sats

i dont remember but i think support bases always dmg HQ? Atleast i think it should be that way, because there is no point in destroying them if not. i rather do 6x 130k + schild dmg to the HQ instead of a short shield breakdown / Wave breakdown or a few t4 units.

maybe its worth balancing the loss / gains for support bases.

in nearly all cases its impossible to get the reclaim, as ACU Hunters destroy submerged SACU and Engi get destroyed by air.

With your supportbase Spawn Buff, i think its worth to at a button to determine how much Dmg a destroyed Support base deals to the HQ. Just like alternative Spawns

Doom Stage, EndGame Arty, Arty response - i suggest it spawns a few schilds too. i saw you buffed the Scathis HP, you evil genius but its not enough 😄

Your Boss units hovering over Para and Mavor is always fun to see. If you like, you can also add it for normal t4 units for the HQ as they can catch Mavor shells or Nukes 🙂


  1. Not all Support Bases spawn SMD. It is a 50% chance they will receive one.

  2. Fair point, I've added a new S-Tier that has Guardian Shields/TMD and Advanced SMD. AAA-Tier are now Guardian Shields/SMD and Vanilla TMD. I might need to tone down the Guardian TMD or add a weaker version that is a bit better than vanilla.

  3. I take it you had no other Air units? Yeah, then ASF target sats. I'd added an exclusion to their target list. Should ignore now.

  4. There was always a small chance Support Bases wouldn't damage the HQ. I was already considering removing that. Killing Support Bases should always trigger HQ Damage now.

  5. The Artillery Response already does spawn in shields, though they are the weaker Advanced Shields. I didn't have EndGame Artillery spawn shields, since more shields spawn in at start of the EndGame, and it seemed too punishing for most teams.
    -Actually, I just found an error I added to the Artillery Response, delaying the artillery for 10 minutes instead of 6. I was wondering why it felt like forever for them to spawn.

  6. Boss units don't like EndGamers 😊

-Added a new Defense Tier option for HQ and Second Spawn.
-Killing Support Bases will now always damage HQ. Before, there was a small random chance they would not.

New Option, meant for Versus Survival where the HQ Player has human allies. Will prevent HQ Allies from building Mass Fabs, RAS Subcoms, and the special T4 weapons. This is to prevent HQ Allies from just ecoing instead of helping Waves break through defenses. Found under the BUILD restrictions section of mod.

BUILD: HQ Allies Restrictions:
-Sets if players allied with HQ can build Mass Fabs, RAS Subcoms, and the special T4 Weapons included with AI Wave Survival.

Bug/Options Fixes:
Fixed an error when setting Support Bases to spawn "Center N to S."
Updated "Hold to Win" settings to be more clear.

Bug Fix/Changes:
Fixed Alternate Spawns not spawning defenses on naval maps. Added a single Guardian TMD to Alternate Spawns.

Noticed from replays, some players still having difficulty properly configuring the mod, so:
-Added more Error Warnings to alert players if something is configured wrong.
-Added a brief description, to direct players to correct settings in Map Options.
-Removed some of the message spam at the start of the game.

Fixed a bug I accidentally introduced where game wouldn't end after killing HQ, unless Hold to Win was on.
Added a map-check for spawning units to prevent units/buildings from spawning off-map (when spawns are very close to a map edge). New script should also speed up SIM when spawning in huge waves.

A slight change to the navy spawner. Please let me know if you see any navy spawning on land. Might have to change it back.

To make Support Bases more necessary to attack, and add a bit more random chaos to the game, Support Bases will now deploy Rifts that will spawn more units! This is an optional setting, and number of units each Rift Orb spawns can be set in settings. Rifts will spawn more units depending on team strength, becoming more on an issue.

For each Support Base that is alive, the Base will fire an EMP nuke that will deploy a Rift Orb. The Orbs have area shields and weapons, and will begin to spawn in land units. EMP Nukes will launch throughout the game, and any Rifts that are destroyed will eventually be redeployed. Eliminating Support Bases will reduce the number of Rift Orbs that can be deployed. Expect the situation to become much worse if the Support Bases aren't eliminated before Endgame.

SB5: Rift Orbs:
Enables Support Bases to deploy Rift Orbs, which will spawn additional units to attack players. Rift Orbs are deployed on EMP Nukes vulnerable to SMD. Every Support Base can support one Rift Orb. Rifts that are destroyed will eventually be redeployed. Any undeployed Rift Orbs are launched at Endgame. Rifts spawn more units based on team strength and building Endgamers.

Other Changes:
-All Dooms now have torpedoes and Doom Fatboy got a slight buff.
-OC Damage vs Dooms, Support Bases, and Rift Orbs has been increased to 2.5x.
-The Seraphim Lightning Tank and the Aeon T3 Mobile Artillery have both been made Hover units, to make Amphibious only waves a little more interesting.

Bug Fix:
-Issued a quick fix for a bug causing an infinite loop (Where gameplay freezes, but chat and UI are still working) when Rift Orbs are enabled. Please let me know if the issue occurs while using the latest version.

Bug Fix:
-Issue causing crash has been resolved. There was a risk of getting trapped in an infinite loop on maps where HQ starting position was very close to the map edge. Should no longer occur.

Sera T4 Tac launcher has gotten a large buff:
-Full map range
-Faster missiles
-Launcher cheaper to build (but not missiles)
-Increased damage and storms have longer lives

You requested the settings for the game the other night.

For the map "Stulta Aqua Pugna"
-Map Settings not mention leave as Default.

HQ Settings:
HQ Spawn Spot: Player 1
HQ Shields/SMD/TMD Defnces: HQ S2-Tier Defenses
HQ Point Defenses: HQ Guardian PD S-Tier
Salvation Player
Salvation Player Slot: Half of Team
Wave Setup
1a: 6 minutes Build Time
1b: 2 wave Air Delay
1c: 3 wave Navy Delay
3a: 30 min Hold till Final
4: 40% Slower Tech Progression
6a: 8 units Land
6b: Land Special - Amphibious
6c: 2 > 1.75 > 1.5> 1.25 > 1 Land Multi
6d: 50% Land T4
7a: 9 units Air
7b: Air Special - Torps Bombers
7c: 2 > 1.75 > 1.5> 1.25 > 1 Air Multi
7d: 50% Air T4
8a: 3 units Navy
8b: 2 > 1.75 > 1.5> 1.25 > 1 Navy Multi
8c: 50% Navy T4
Airdrops On/Off: Transports Every 3 to 5 Mins
Airdrops per Wave: 3 Transports
Airdrops Multi: 1 > 1 > 1.5> 2 > 3 Multi
Airdrops Start Time: 0.30% Airdrop Holdtime Start
Airdrops Unit Types - Amphibious/Hover
Airdrops Rambo: 60% Rambo Drop
Airdrops Experimental: 40% T4 Airdrop
Airdrop Spawn Location: Spawn West Side
Extra Waves/Response
2a: AntiAir Response Multi 0.5x
2b: Extra ASF Multi 1.25x
3a: 0.90% Holdtime till ACU Hunters
4a: 4 min Paragon Punishment
SB2: Base Count 1.5x
SB3: Nuke Retaliation - Off
SB4: Power Stall - 5 Mins
SB5: 5 units per Rift
EndGame Settings
1a: Endless Land+Air+Navy
2a: 3 units Land Boss
2b: 0 units Land Boss
2c: 2 min Respawn Bosses
3b: 8 min till Artillery
4c: 1 +/- Units per Doom Wave
4e: 4 Doom Maximum Wave Size
ECO1: 40 EcoBoost
ECO2a: 150 EcoBoost
ECO2b: 5 min Endgame EcoBoost
Strike Start Time: 0.95% Holdtime till Nukes
Strike Frequency: Nukes Every 7 to 10 Mins

And the 13 Mods that were On:
1.5x t2 Artillery Range, 75% Cost
ACU Boost 1.5x
AI Wave Survival
50% Air Crash Damage
All Factions Quantum Gate
BlackOps FAF: ACUs
AntiNuke 50% Cost
Half Commander Upgrade Costs
Hardened T1 Point Defense
Hive Energy Stations
No Friendly Fire
Wreck Reclaim 67%
1.5x Build Range

Noticed from watching replays, new players didn't know to set land waves to amphibious units if playing maps lacking land crossings. Added a check to set land waves to amphibious if more than half of enemies cannot be pathed to. This check can be disabled in settings, if hosts do not want their wave settings over-ridden.

Also, all Black-OPs ACUs have their teleporters disabled now.

New T4 Naval Unit!

Abyss: Depth Charge Platform
-A mobile sonar platform, equipped with depth charges that heavily damage any units on the seabed, long range cruise missiles, a protective shield bubble for the fleet, and anti-torpedoes. Can be submerged, but will cause shield to be disabled and limit the cruise missiles to targeting ships only.

Seraphim T4 Storm Missiles
Another buff. Now storm tacs intercepted by TMD will spawn 1 to 2 storms where they were shot down, so that the missile isn't a total loss. Storms have also been improved with an area of effect weapon.

Some balance changes:

-Bugs preventing weapons from firing while submerged fixed.
-Torpedo defense doubled.
-Shield made 50% larger to help provide better fleet protection. Health increased to 12k.
-Cruise Missiles will now track targets.

Seraphim T4 Storm Missile Launcher:
-Can be built on water.
-Has an additional Laanse Tactical Missile Launcher, with tracking missiles that will put out a constant stream of fire versus enemies. Range is 180.
-Storm Missiles have been made cheaper and faster to build, so can be used more often.

Aeon, Cybran, and UEF T4 PD:
-All have had small decreases in build time and mass costs.