M28AI Devlog (v217)
v178 Update
7 changes, including:- Longer ranged units should be managed by the zone they're in, to reduce instances where they fail to kite nearby enemies
- Fixed a bug where corsairs wouldn't micro-turn after firing a bomb
- Decreased M28's tendancy to build torpedo bombers on land based maps so it should only build more if the enemy has a significant threat underwater and it's prevented from attacking from ground based AA (as opposed to inties/asfs).
- Radde - various replays on Xander against 1.4 resource M28
- Vortex - QUIET replay against v175 M28
v179 Update
9 changes, including:- ACUs should be more likely to stay close to an enemy ACU if their death explosion will kill the enemy
- Fixed an error that could occur when a zone contained moles and a scout with a combat attack
- Several more TML adjustments to reduce cases where they fire at an enemy that is covered by TMD
- Reduced instances where engineers would repeatedly travel to a zone with enemy PD in and die to the PD
- Fixed an issue with QUIET and LOUD where M28 would think the Seraphim battleship was firing a nuke when it fired its main cannons.
- Radde - Various replays on Xander against v177 and v178 M28, including 2v5 replays
- Vortex - Replay against v176 M28
v180 Update
14 changes, including:- Improved anti-ravager logic
- T1 arti drops should be less likely if the enemy lacks T2 mexes
- Fixed a bug causing the fatboy to kite units not in its range
- Adjustments to ACU upgrade logic at higher AIx modifieres
- Radde – various replays against v178 and v179 M28 on a range of maps.
v181 Update
7 changes:- Cruisers should no longer try and attack underwater mexes
- Fixed an error with a naval factory considering building an engineer
- Fixed 5 issues from running a quick test on a campaign map which mostly related to the log being filled with error messages
- Vortex - 2 QUIET replays against v176 M28
v182 Hotfix
Fixed a bug where ACUs wouldn't die -
v183 Update
8 changes mostly relating to another replay where Mhad killed M28 with ravager creep, including:- Various small tweaks to ACU upgrades (UEF should be more likely to get nano, ACUs should be more/less likely to get later upgrades in some cases)
- Ahwassas should be even more likely to be built than they were already where M28 isnt far behind on air
- Added logic for M28 to prioritise T3 mobile arti to deal with nearby ravagers in a similar manner to how it prioritises building MMLs to deal with nearby (non-ravager) firebases
- Radde - 2 replays against M28 on Xander
v184 Update
5 more changes relating to one of the previous replays, including:- TMD should no longer be treated as an anti-air unit
- Fixed a bug that could cause ahwassa targeting to not work resulting in it suiciding
- Ahwassas should consider dropping a bomb immediately if they want to retreat from the enemy air force
v185 Update
13 changes, including:- New game setting, M28 enemy threat factor, that lets you adjust the threat M28 assigns to enemy units. What this means in practice is you can make M28 much more or less likely to attack if it is unable to kite the enemy (for example, setting it to 0.1 and in an equal fight M28's tanks will think they have 10 times more than the enemy). Intended for people who want to significantly change how M28 plays or for use with shared armies mode, and it's not recommended you adjust this if you want a competitive experience.
- ACUs being more likely to stay in visual range of an enemy ACU they want to kill
- Spirits and snoops using attack orders when being aggressive to reduce the risk they die to shorter ranged units
- Various early game ecoing improvements, particularly for an air slot (delaying when to build energy storage or radar, fixing an issue in teamgames that caused too much T1 pgens to be built when T2 teech was available, increased prioritisation of mex upgrade assistance)
- Radde - v184 Xander replay against 1.4 and 1.5 resource M28
Hey Maudlin27, quick question is there a way for me to get the M28 AI to not build a specific Custom Unit? Other than setting a unit restriction in the game options or adding nobuild to the unit's categories. My goal is to allow the Custom Unit to still be available to build by human players, just not buildable by the AI since it can't use it properly.
Also, thanks for all your tireless work on your M28 AI, its appreciated.
@Sandtrooper Only other way would be a mod that sets the following variable against the aiBrain:
Brain.M28FactoryPreferredBlueprintByCategory.UnitId = -1000
where UnitId is the unit id of the unit you want it to not build -
@maudlin27 That's a good idea, thank you.
v186 Update
9 changes, including:- Building T1 engineers on repeat should no longer cause a large group of T3 mobile arti to stay stuck firing at them
- TMD should be built preemptively for large amounts of PD at the T2 stage
- Slightly increased the range for experimentals to aggressively go for a nearby enemy ACU
- Radde - Various replays on Xander against v184 M28
v187 Update
8 changes, including:- Fixed a bug that meant bombers weren't sniping ACUs most of the time
- M28 should consider sniping enemy ACUs for significantly longer than before
- T1 PD should only 5 wall pieces built around it (instead of
to save a precious 9 mass...
- Radde - Several mapgen replays against v186 M28
Trophy Award
Radde, GhillieWolf and Mhad - beating 1.4 resource M28 on a 15km land based mapgen -
v188 Update
16 changes, including:- Fixed a bug that would break M28's engineer logic if the enemy built T2 arti near M28's base
- LABs should be more aggressive if the enemy has an exposed unit but nearby combat units.
- Units should no longer try dodging shots from snoops or spirits
- Fixed a bug where deceivers would continue to cover an ACU after it's got a stealth/nano upgrade
- Radde – v186 mapgen and 3 xander replays
- Vortex – v185 QUIET replay
- Lohkrim – v187 QUIET replay
v189 Update
Mini update:- Fixed a bug where moles could be given the same order as selens.
- MMLs should be less likely to move forwards into range of T2 PD
- Disabled several factory builders for lower tech factories.
- Fixed a bug with the ACU determining friendly AA threat when in the water.
- Relent0r - Replay and spotting a bug with moles being given attack move orders
v190 Update
27 changes, including:- Fixed a major bug with M28's air scouts on maps with water
- Improved ecoing for air slot, and slight more general ecoing adjustments
- ACUs and mexes should no longer assume they are safe to get an upgrade just because they are in M28's main base
- Guncom ACUs should be less likely to kite when facing an unupgraded enemy ACU
- Relent0r – spotting that M28 wasn’t scouting properly on White Fire
- Vortex – v187 QUIET replay
- Radde – Various v187 replays on Xander
- LoneSheep – screenshot showing M28 building sonar in strange places
v191 Update
15 changes, including:- If T3 naval units get stuck they should consider ctrl-king support factories in their way
- Tempest should now be given orders as though it's a battleship rather than a submarine
- MMLs should consider firing at stationery enemy MMLs as a high priority
AI sometimes gives up after initial push.
In the image below, I'm teal. AI is adaptive cheating. It led with a respectable initial attack of about 6 monkeylords and 50 or 100 bricks. After that, it hasn't really done anything, just filled up its unit cap with engineers and a few bricks, and making no attempt to take space.
It's unclear what causes this behavior. In other games on the same map with the same settings, same faction choices, and same spawn locations, the AI consistently applies pressure throughout the game.
To be clear, I've actually been sitting AFK for at least 30 minutes in this game, only checking back in occasionally to see if anything has changed.
@Gatorized Do you have a replay? I'd expect it to still be building experimentals
I'm also assuming you have unit restrictions on preventing things like T3 arti, air units, scathis?
v192 Update
15 changes, including:- Fixed a bug where M28 would think it had mass to spare when mass stalling in some cases
- Various adjustments to how many factories get built for various AI subtypes
- Made it more likely factories should be ctrl-k'd when stalling mass
- ACUs should be more likely to run when in their main base
- Vortex - a couple of v190 replays on QUIET