M28AI Devlog (v217)
Thanks for the post, unfortunately once replays get more than a few versions old their use for making changes becomes severely limited, while it also becomes much harder to make such changes (as the code base they relate to may have changed making it difficult to incorporate into the latest version).
v169 Update
19 changes, including:- When deciding if the enemy has too small a threat to kite them, fatboys and megaliths should factor in how many nearby friendly experimentals they have
- Fixed an issue causing M28 to think targets were unprotected from TMD even if that TMD had intercepted their missile, adjusted the calculation to make it a bit more accurate in its estimate of whether a TMD can intercept, and included ACUs in the potential targets
- T1 arti drops should ignore nearby enemies and just focus down units (previously theyd only focus down units if there weren't nearby enemies), and adjusted the relative values so they prioritise T1 mexes over T1 pgens.
- In some cases T3 land factories should be ctrl-k'd for reclaim
- Fixed some issues with gunships and asfs incorrectly assessing the enemy air threat and suiciding into the enemy air force (particularly in the early game)
- Increased aggression for strat bombers; and in some niche cases for combat scouts and MMLs
- Radde - various replays from v167 on Xander and mapgen
Trophy award
- Radde and Mhad - for beating 2 v168 M28AI 1.4 resource AIx on a 15km mapgen
v170 Update
12 changes, including:- Significant increase in the threat required for units to engage enemy guncoms to reduce cases where M28 would think it could kill the ACU and end just giving the ACU free kills
- Fixed some bugs with selens trying to ambush enemy engineers at mexes
- ACUs should be more likely to travel to high value islands to fight for them on naval maps.
- Adjustment to submarine logic to factor in enemies close to being in range of the sub's zone (so the subs are less likely to advance when already in range of a nearby enemy).
- Radde - v167 and v168 replay (I'm still working through some other v168+ replays)
v171 Update
9 changes, including:- Improved torpedo bomber targeting, so they no longer automatically include enemies near their primary target (based on adjacent zones), but instead check the units are actually close to the original target and have an AA attack
- Hopefully resolved a niche case where land units would think they outranged T2 PD and suicide into it
- Significantly increased the number of high priority naval factories to be built on high value ponds
- Radde - various replays against 168 and 169 M28, on mapgen and Xander
- Vortex - Longest Way QUIET replay highlighting issues with torp bombers
- Azraeel - Drakes ravine replay which highlighted the issue with units suiciding into T2 PD
v172 Update
More of a hotfix, 7 changes, including:- Fixed a bug that could sometimes break M28's normal TML firing logic
- Fixed a bug that could cause M28's shield cycling to cause shields to never regain health
- Arti drops should be less likely to drop early if on high health and faced with only 1 enemy intie (as well as ignoring under construction inties)
- On maps without many mexes, plateaus with 1 mex should be considered for drops sometimes, while land factories should be considered for islands with only 2 mexes.
- Radde - Mapgen replay and several Xander replays
v173-174 Updates
14 changes, including:- v173 - Added a workaround for the ahwassa switching targets at the last minute and no longer dropping a bomb
- v173 - Fixed some scenarios where land experimentals wouldn't go for an ACU kill
- v174 - Naval forces should run more generally if they lack enough AA to handle the enemy torp bomber threat, and should upgrade to T2 sooner
- v174 - Reduced some factory construction (including quantum gateways), e.g. on naval maps early on, or (in the case of gateways) when M28 still has mexes left to upgrade
- v174 - Adjusted rally point selection so units should be less likely to retreat into an enemy force that can hit them from an adjacent zone.
- Radde - 4 Mapgen replays against 172 M28 and a couple of earlier Xander replays (which formed the basis for the 5 v173 changes)
- Vortex - 2 naval based replays against 173 M28 (which formed the basis for most of the 9 v174 changes)
v175 Update
7 changes this time, based on the following replay scenarios:- Radde v172 Mapgen replay - destroyers kept suiciding into an enemy shielded ravager firebase (now they shouldnt)
- Radde v173 Mapgen replay - M28 failed to quickly rebuild after losing part of a base (and an ACU) to a GC rush and instead built 8 TMLs for no reason, meaning the next GC (despite appearing a while later) was able to kill the other ACU with ease (now M28 should rebuild a dead player's base as a normal base sometimes,no longer waste mass on 8 TMLs in an attempt to snipe a ravager, and keep running its ACU from the GC even when the ACU is getting far from its base).
- Radde - 2 replays forming the basis of this update's changes
v176 Update
6 changes, continuing the trend of mini updates after I've been through a replay, including:- Slight reduction in some cases to naval factories to be built and assisted
- T1 arti should recognise they outrange T1 PD and no longer run from them
- Fixed an issue that could cause units to suicide into enemy PD in a different zone
- Small chance added of UEF using snoops as a combat unit to be annoying
- Vortex - QUIET replay against v174 M28 (where some snipebots kept getting in range of an enemy ACU, and untis suicided into enemy PD)
v177 Update
15 changes from this update; sometimes I can have no changes from several Radde Xander replays, this time I had 14!- Bombers should be significantly more aggressive, in part due to a bug that was limiting their search range to less than a range of 2 outside of adjacent zones
- Fixed a bug with tracking how much MAA the enemy has (which meant certain logic such as priotising sniperbots when the enemy is likely able to beat m28's gunships wasn't triggering)
- Fatboys should be prioritised over non-fatboy land experimentals after the first (to some extent)
- If M28 has got an ahwassa 99.9% complete, and one of Radde's teammates has a Ythotha that dies nearby, M28 should complete the ahwassa instead of having all of its engineers run away leaving the Ahwassa to die to the lightning storm (a change with very widespread application...)
- Also fixed a potential cause of a crash in LOUD games when M28 tries pausing units that have died inbetween deciding to pause the unit, and the logic for pausing it commencing.
- Radde - Xander replay against 1.3 resource M28 that prompted most changes this update
- Danger!? Snake? - Replay with a crash in LOUD
v178 Update
7 changes, including:- Longer ranged units should be managed by the zone they're in, to reduce instances where they fail to kite nearby enemies
- Fixed a bug where corsairs wouldn't micro-turn after firing a bomb
- Decreased M28's tendancy to build torpedo bombers on land based maps so it should only build more if the enemy has a significant threat underwater and it's prevented from attacking from ground based AA (as opposed to inties/asfs).
- Radde - various replays on Xander against 1.4 resource M28
- Vortex - QUIET replay against v175 M28
v179 Update
9 changes, including:- ACUs should be more likely to stay close to an enemy ACU if their death explosion will kill the enemy
- Fixed an error that could occur when a zone contained moles and a scout with a combat attack
- Several more TML adjustments to reduce cases where they fire at an enemy that is covered by TMD
- Reduced instances where engineers would repeatedly travel to a zone with enemy PD in and die to the PD
- Fixed an issue with QUIET and LOUD where M28 would think the Seraphim battleship was firing a nuke when it fired its main cannons.
- Radde - Various replays on Xander against v177 and v178 M28, including 2v5 replays
- Vortex - Replay against v176 M28
v180 Update
14 changes, including:- Improved anti-ravager logic
- T1 arti drops should be less likely if the enemy lacks T2 mexes
- Fixed a bug causing the fatboy to kite units not in its range
- Adjustments to ACU upgrade logic at higher AIx modifieres
- Radde – various replays against v178 and v179 M28 on a range of maps.
v181 Update
7 changes:- Cruisers should no longer try and attack underwater mexes
- Fixed an error with a naval factory considering building an engineer
- Fixed 5 issues from running a quick test on a campaign map which mostly related to the log being filled with error messages
- Vortex - 2 QUIET replays against v176 M28
v182 Hotfix
Fixed a bug where ACUs wouldn't die -
v183 Update
8 changes mostly relating to another replay where Mhad killed M28 with ravager creep, including:- Various small tweaks to ACU upgrades (UEF should be more likely to get nano, ACUs should be more/less likely to get later upgrades in some cases)
- Ahwassas should be even more likely to be built than they were already where M28 isnt far behind on air
- Added logic for M28 to prioritise T3 mobile arti to deal with nearby ravagers in a similar manner to how it prioritises building MMLs to deal with nearby (non-ravager) firebases
- Radde - 2 replays against M28 on Xander
v184 Update
5 more changes relating to one of the previous replays, including:- TMD should no longer be treated as an anti-air unit
- Fixed a bug that could cause ahwassa targeting to not work resulting in it suiciding
- Ahwassas should consider dropping a bomb immediately if they want to retreat from the enemy air force
v185 Update
13 changes, including:- New game setting, M28 enemy threat factor, that lets you adjust the threat M28 assigns to enemy units. What this means in practice is you can make M28 much more or less likely to attack if it is unable to kite the enemy (for example, setting it to 0.1 and in an equal fight M28's tanks will think they have 10 times more than the enemy). Intended for people who want to significantly change how M28 plays or for use with shared armies mode, and it's not recommended you adjust this if you want a competitive experience.
- ACUs being more likely to stay in visual range of an enemy ACU they want to kill
- Spirits and snoops using attack orders when being aggressive to reduce the risk they die to shorter ranged units
- Various early game ecoing improvements, particularly for an air slot (delaying when to build energy storage or radar, fixing an issue in teamgames that caused too much T1 pgens to be built when T2 teech was available, increased prioritisation of mex upgrade assistance)
- Radde - v184 Xander replay against 1.4 and 1.5 resource M28
Hey Maudlin27, quick question is there a way for me to get the M28 AI to not build a specific Custom Unit? Other than setting a unit restriction in the game options or adding nobuild to the unit's categories. My goal is to allow the Custom Unit to still be available to build by human players, just not buildable by the AI since it can't use it properly.
Also, thanks for all your tireless work on your M28 AI, its appreciated.
@Sandtrooper Only other way would be a mod that sets the following variable against the aiBrain:
Brain.M28FactoryPreferredBlueprintByCategory.UnitId = -1000
where UnitId is the unit id of the unit you want it to not build -
@maudlin27 That's a good idea, thank you.