M28AI Devlog (v170)
v162 Update
13 changes, including:- Fixed an issue with nuke targeting where it could understate the damage it expected to deal from a missile, and mae it more likely to fire when loaded if the enemy has T3 arti
- M28 should be more likely to get a game-ender if the enemy has multiple T3 arti
- Various improvements to the bomber logic, including no longer having strat bombers suicide into any enemy that gets within 300 of its rally point (quite how that logic lasted this long before I noticed it I dont know!)
- Added some fixes and redundancies for an issue where TMD woudl be insivible to M28 when firing at a mex that it detected when mid-upgrade.
- 1 mod specific change (adding slight support for T1 torpedo bombers)
- Radde – a number of replays on Xander Adaptive against v156
- Azraeel – Spotting a replay where M28 failed to win despite a strong eco lead, and spotting a typo made in a v162 commit before I’d even released v162!
v163 Update
11 Mostly small changes, including:- Fixed a bug with M28's bombers if it approached the unit cap
- Naval units should remember if they recently ran from enemy air threats when deciding whether to advance
- Fixed a bug with Ahwassa targeting where it would incorrectly think its bombs would be blocked by the terrain
- Added 'fire and turn' micro to strat bombers
- 1 MOD specific change (T2 sniperbots shouldn't try and dodge shots like a LAB)
- Azraeel - Highlighting an error message relating to M28's bombers
- Purple Elf - Replay where UEF M6 transports wouldn't work if M28 was enabled for allies
- Radde - Replays from v156 on Xander Adaptive
v164 Update
16 changes, focused on early naval cruisers, T1 hover bombing, and TML refinements:- Increased the delay before naval units return to a water zone where they ran from the enemy air, and had adjacent zones also run (but for a shorter period)
- Prioritised cruiser to be built ahead of a first destroyer in some scenarios, while making it more likely T1 naval factories get upgraded to T2 where cruisers are needed
- Early T1 bombers that try targeting enemy pgens should hover-bomb
- Various changes to TML batteries, so they no longer target monkeylords; consider targeting moderate value units such as mexes if htey think they can overwhelm the TMD, and consider also taking out the TMD in some niche scenarios.
- Azraeel – QUIET naval replay
- Vortex – QUIET naval replay
v165 Hotfix
Another hotfix where I forgot to remove debugging options in the previous release!Also added a chance of 2 early bombers instead of 1 to mix things up slightly
- Operon and c04spoon - Flagging that I'd forgotten to turn off debugging settings in v164
v166 Update
First or last update of the year, depending on your time-zone! 11 changes, including:- More advanced targeting logic for ahwassa so it should be less likely to get in range of SAMs while trying to take down shields.
- Improved accuracy of gunship's assesssment of enemy AA so they are less suicidal in certain niche cases, while fixing a bug that meant SMDs were treated as an anti-air unit.
- T1 arti drops should, if outranging the enemy, consider what target would maximise the damage they deal to nearby buildings, instead of using M28's default attack logic.
- Fixed a bug with stealth boats not being built.
- Radde – 4 Xander replays and 1 mapgen replay
- Vortex and Azraeel – Noting M28 hadn’t built any stealth boats in naval games.
v167 Update
9 changes including:- Experimentals should more aggressively target down enemy ACUs that get near them
- TMLs should be more likely to be built, including being better at finding unprotected buildings when deciding whether to be built
- Fixed an issue with UEF T1 hover-bombing, and made early T1 bombers more scared of AA
- Radde - Several replays on Xander
(also received various other replays which I'm hoping to work through for future releases)
v168 Update
14 changes, including:- Fixed a bug where skirmishers and deceivers sometimes would suicide into enemy units
- Fixed an issue with torp bomber targeting where they would suicide into further away threats
- Added new ACU snipe logic for ACUs to go all-in on killing the enemy ACU if it's vulnerable
This update involved changing a lot of variable references and had an issue with the v167 changes not carrying over (and needing to be manually added) so if you come M28 acting strangely compared to normal let me know.
- Azraeel and Vortex - QUIET naval replays
- Radde - Xander replays from v166
v133 (did not upgrade, sorry)
Seems M28 lost to 1 scouted ML
Also, early expansion was questionable -
Thanks for the post, unfortunately once replays get more than a few versions old their use for making changes becomes severely limited, while it also becomes much harder to make such changes (as the code base they relate to may have changed making it difficult to incorporate into the latest version).
v169 Update
19 changes, including:- When deciding if the enemy has too small a threat to kite them, fatboys and megaliths should factor in how many nearby friendly experimentals they have
- Fixed an issue causing M28 to think targets were unprotected from TMD even if that TMD had intercepted their missile, adjusted the calculation to make it a bit more accurate in its estimate of whether a TMD can intercept, and included ACUs in the potential targets
- T1 arti drops should ignore nearby enemies and just focus down units (previously theyd only focus down units if there weren't nearby enemies), and adjusted the relative values so they prioritise T1 mexes over T1 pgens.
- In some cases T3 land factories should be ctrl-k'd for reclaim
- Fixed some issues with gunships and asfs incorrectly assessing the enemy air threat and suiciding into the enemy air force (particularly in the early game)
- Increased aggression for strat bombers; and in some niche cases for combat scouts and MMLs
- Radde - various replays from v167 on Xander and mapgen
Trophy award
- Radde and Mhad - for beating 2 v168 M28AI 1.4 resource AIx on a 15km mapgen
v170 Update
12 changes, including:- Significant increase in the threat required for units to engage enemy guncoms to reduce cases where M28 would think it could kill the ACU and end just giving the ACU free kills
- Fixed some bugs with selens trying to ambush enemy engineers at mexes
- ACUs should be more likely to travel to high value islands to fight for them on naval maps.
- Adjustment to submarine logic to factor in enemies close to being in range of the sub's zone (so the subs are less likely to advance when already in range of a nearby enemy).
- Radde - v167 and v168 replay (I'm still working through some other v168+ replays)