M28AI Devlog (v208)
v206 Update
7 changes from 1v1 games against M27 on maps where M27 was initially winning, including:- Added logic for tanks to do an all-in push to kill an enemy ACU
- Significant increase in the global MAA M28 should consider building.
- ACU should be a bit more aggressive vs enemy air
- Land units should be more aggressive if they outrange the nearest enemy unit and the enemy doesn’t have longer ranged units close by.
- A second air factory should be built on 10km+ maps even in t1 spam mode.
- Relent0r - providing a mapgen and a non-mapgen map where M28 was losing to M27 1v1
@maudlin27 Sorry, typed that on my phone so it wasn't super clear. What I mean is that it should not always repeatedly try to bomb the same engineer if that engineer did not die after the first bomb (it dodged).
https://replay.faforever.com/24337913 In this replay the AI first bombs me and gets one kill, then repeatedly tries to bomb the same engineers. There's a few issues with this:
- It's predictable for me what engineer to dodge with
- If the bomber had gone for the other engineers I would've had to dodge them around which cancels their build queue that I'd then have to requeue, very tedious and in my opinion the main reason early bombers are so powerful. In addition to this my other engineers were not 'ready' to dodge, as they're stood still, so higher chance the bomb lands there
- Its perfect aim makes it incredibly easy to dodge because it's so predictable. Maybe give it a 50/50 chance to not drop on the engineer's course but behind it, or directly on top of the engineer?
So if the AI can recognise our spawn point, make it so that it won't try to repeatedly go for the same engineer if near our spawnpoint, but switch it up
Makes sense, thanks
V207 Update
11 changes, mostly relating to the Skadi RC finals game, including:- More adjustments to t1 bombers to prioritise engineers that haven’t had bombs fired at them
- Fewer land factories should be built by M28 when its base is on an island
- Delayed T3 air if torp bombers are wanted for a nearby enemy naval threat
- waffelznoob - notes on M28’s early bomber approach
- Fearghal - RCVIII
v208 Update
Added logic for sharing engineers, along with a couple of bugfixes:- M28 should now gift an engineer to teammates who ask for one. To request one, use a marker on the area where you want the engineer and say 'M28 please would you be so kind as to give me one of your Engineers' in the marker (or just say 'Engi pls' or some variation thereof). If M28 has a nearby engineer that doesnt have any high priority tasks he should give it to you.
- Added a bunch of redundancies to try and fix rare error messages that would appear when a unit died in a pond
- Fixed some typos with the naval logic that in some cases would result in M28's naval logic erroring out
- Vortex - v207 QUIET setons replay