M28AI Devlog (v209)
Its not the T1 Air restriction.
@aware Thanks, sorry missed the part about the map not being in the vault, are you able to send me the map (e.g. via discord), and/or do you get the same issue on a map that is in the vault (in which case could you send the replay ID of a game on a vault map)?
#21683677 vault map
M28AI is working with a new and different set of restriction. At this stage i am not sure what restriction I had in place that caused the AI to not build. Running a test now on the custom 80 x 15 map to see what units are now available that were restricted before. This will take some time.
M28AI run ok on the big map ... I should be able to compare the list of restrictions in the logs.
The only unit restriction that I'd have expected might cause an issue from the list you gave (as I'm not sure if I've specifically tested it) is restricting use of hydrocarbons, but I wouldn't expect that to stop M28 from building anything (but rather it might get stuck with just 1 factory and not much else depending on if I'd implemented a backup for such a scenario to make it build t1 pgens).
@aware How did you create the game? E.g. was it a brand new lobby, with no clicking on the load presets button?
Reason for asking is that although 21683677 appears to show M28AI for 4 of the players, none of the logs for loading the M28AI mod are present (an issue I've seen happen previously when a 'rehost game' button was used, and/or a 'load presets' button).
@maudlin27 a slightly separate data point, I've had no issues with the AI working in any games so far.
I did want to note that when we were having the shield logic issue, @bsee and I went back to v56 (the newest without shield issues) and found it more aggressive and built dramatically more experimentals, specifically land experimentals. This made for a much more difficult and dynamic game particularly with Total Mayhem. Same 1.3x cheat and build multiplier. Not sure what the difference is in your build logic since then, but wanted to call it out if you're able to take a look.
@ender06 Thanks, I'll keep it in mind when considering reviews, but it will depend on the map and game state. If it's a land based map and M28 is only getting a couple of land experimentals before switching to T3 arti or game-enders (and the opposing team hasn't started their own t3 arti/game-enders) then let me know the replay as it might need tweaking.
v68 Update
Adds personalities, ratings, and some co-op fixes- M28 should in most cases have their own (taunt) personalities, based on campaign characters - in practice, this means that they should be more likely to make use of voice taunts, with those taunts aligning to their particular character
- Added rating details (making use of the latest FAF update which supports AI having their own rating)
- Fixed a couple of bugs with the co-op missions Fort Clarke Assault (M28 wouldn't build its initial factory) and Prothyon-16 (M28 would start in the water instead of getting dropped via transport)
- 9 other tweaks and fixes
- Marlo – comments on getting in-game audio to play
- Chucups – noting M28 started in the water on prothyon-16
- QAI3000 – Noting M28 wouldn't build a Campaign issue with fort Clarke assault
- AwarE – Replay where M28 failed to do anything/didn’t load
- Jip – How to get a voice message to only play for allies; Reworking and improving a pull request I'd drafted to allow AI to have their own rating, so that the details could be modified by AI mods (rather than needing to be coded into the FAF lobby logic), meaning M28 now gets to have a rating that is more reflective of it's difficulty
v69 Update
Mini update, with 9 fixes and tweaks, including:- Fixed a bug where MAA could be overbuilt (due to M28 incorrectly thinking it was under air attack)
- Reduced the amount of experimental shields to be built (if a mod features them)
- 2 adjustments to late-game shielding
- Novax targeting should factor in if the target is under construction (so no longer prioritise a 5% complete GC over say an energy storage)
- Relent0r - Replay with desync issue (which unfortunately I was unable to resolve)
- Zhanghm – reminding me of an improvement with M28 using experimental shields that I forgot to look into
No change from v59: Radde (Sladow trophy); and Radde, Mhad and GhillieWolf (Radde trophy). -
v70 Update
12 fixes and tweaks, including:- Fixed a rare bug that meant on certain maps M28 wouldn't work
- Various adjustments to land combat logic to try and make it more likely shorter ranged units (such as land experimentals) will attack the enemy, including fixing a bug where they would want to attack but not receive the order to attack
- Decreased the threat that indirect fire units provide to make it more likely M28 attacks an enemy with a high indirect fire threat but weak direct fire threat.
- Increased the search range of parts of the Novax targeting logic to work better on large maps.
- Fearghal - Noting a bug with M28 not working on one map; replay which highlighted flaws with M28's novax targeting on large maps
No change from v59: Radde (Sladow trophy); and Radde, Mhad and GhillieWolf (Radde trophy). -
v71 Update
Small optimisation update which rewrites M28's approach for managing certain tables of units (where the unit dies) which can result in a significant improvement in late-game scenarios. Also made sure that M28 logic doesn't run if there are no M28AI in the game (so it can be more accurately used for profiling other mods).
- zhanghm18 - Replay where M28 would slowdown significantly/stop for a second in a late game type scenario, which made me realise tables weren't getting 'compacted' after having entries removed (something that has presumably been present since v1 of M28)
- Hdt80bro - Noting table.setn as an alternative to removing entries from tables (in the end I didn't go with this as it appeared to take slightly longer than the approach I used when testing, but is still useful to know)
v72 Update
Introducing an AI variant, M28 'Easy' - the idea is M28 logic but with most of the specialised micro disabled, with roughly 25 such areas disabled. Examples of microing disabled include:- Kiting with long ranged units (e.g. hoplites, sniperbots)
- Dodging bomber shots
- Engineers reclaiming nearby enemy engineers/tanks
- Shield cycling
- Gunships spreading out to minimise aoe damage
Mainly intended for people who find it frustrating to play against M28 due to it's near-infinite apm, but who still want to be challenged by M28's macro gameplay.
If there are any significant areas of micro you think M28 does that would be better disabled for such a mode let me know (although no guarantee I'll remove htem - some might just be a natural consequence of how M28 works, and others I may feel are appropriate at being similar to the sort of micro/actions a human player could do) - a full list of the 25 areas disabled is available in the devlog.
Also made a few optimisations to some code including a rewriting of how M28 handles mass and energy stalls and further minor optimisation of nuke and T3 arti targeting logic to try and reduce the tendency of M28 to stutter in the late-game.
- zhanghm18 - replays where there were significant pauses/stuttering by M28 (although unfortunately the replays desynced so I'm not sure if the optimisations made will be sufficient to solve this)
- Jip - quickly reviewing/merging a tweak to AI ratings
No change from v59: Radde (Sladow trophy); and Radde, Mhad and GhillieWolf (Radde trophy). -
v73 Update
Small update/hotfix to patch a significant MAA production bug that has been present for a long time - essentially M28 is meant to check it's total MAA threat relative to the enemy airforce to avoid massively overbuilding MAA. The bug meant it would think its total MAA threat was 0 (so it would happily build hundreds of MAA in response to the enemy having only a couple of gunships).Also adjusted M28Easy to use attack-move to reclaim instead of manual reclaim orders
- Relent0r - suggesting adjustments to M28's reclaim logic for M28 Easy
v74 Update
11 niche changes/fixes, including:- Fixing an issue where M28's ACU sometimes wouldnt assist a hydro if there were 2 by its base
- Air factories should be less likely to upgrade when M28 is trying to spam t1 tanks
- Added a couple new M28 chat related messages and fixed a couple of bugs with chat messages (for Vendetta and potentially overlapping voice taunts)
- Added in basic logic to take account of non-M28 teammate SAMs and (to a much lesser extent) PD
- Further optimisation of nuke targeting logic and game-ender shield template logic
- Reduced the occurance of a number of error messages
- Zhanghm18 - Replay where M28 slowed down a lot due to its nuke targeting and special shielding logic.
- No change from v59: Radde (Sladow trophy); and Radde, Mhad and GhillieWolf (Radde trophy).
v75 Update
13 tweaks, including:- Improved how gunships dodge Ahwassa bombs so they're less likely to lose a large chunk of them to friendly fire
- Adjustments to certain ecoing and upgrade decisions so factory upgrades are slightly less likely when stalling, while at least one mex should be upgrading nearby on completion of a T3 pgen.
- When queuing up its first experimental, M28 should clear other queued up experimental orders when construction starts to avoid it trying to build multiple at once (in a team game)
- When ctrl-king air units for reclaim, M28 should no longer ctrl-k them all in the same spot (leading to the wrecks being destroyed).
Er... why is it allowed to reclaim my buildings? As an ally
@melanol It isn’t, please send me a replay with a timestamp if it does as it’ll be a bug
@maudlin27 https://replay.faforever.com/21856317
44:54. Bottom left. T3 engies start reclaiming my T2 fabs to build a T3 shield. Then they go on doing this until I notice they eat my T3 pgen.
I had only 2 SIM mods: this and No build restrictions in campaign