v89 Update
28 changes and fixes, including:
- Units should no longer be given a stop order when changing an existing move order
- Added tele-defence logic
- LABs should be built early game
- Fixed a bug with the ahwassa targeting units right by it, while ASFs should try to get much closer to a friendly ahwassa to support it when idling
- T3 arti should no longer target off-map units in campaigns (which could sometimes break the mission)
- Jip – Pointing me towards navigator funtions that allow the AI to change move orders ‘on the fly’ without having to stop the unit; until then I'd thought it wasn't possible for the AI to mimic human behaviour (e.g. having an ACU move in a circle to dodge bombs)
- Radde - various replays on both land and naval maps
- Hammi – Replay showing M28’s poor energy management with the quantim rift
- Ash - replay on dawn (Campaign FA M2) where the map wouldn't expand (which I expect was due to M28's T3 arti killing off-map units which prevented the map from expanding)