In mass for mass exchanges whoever has more mass in asfs wins because t3 maa is 200 dps for 800 mass and asf is 400 dps for 350 mass.
So basically investing in ground maa to win air seems unfeasable, maybe make t3 maa comparable in dps to asfs ?
Also t3 maa takes 30 seconds to kill single t3 gunship(and it only costs x1,5) and single gunship can kill t3 maa in 14 seconds.
So even t3 gunships are good vs their "supposed" counters. Also you can repair air stuff cheaply.
TLDR: air seems to be over-tuned in HP department because it basically better than ANY supposed counter and only air counters air.
Something like cutting hp * 0.5 or hp * 0.66 for t3 air units probably should be done.