v166 is out.
Tons of bug fixes, brought on by FAF updating (tsk, tsk),
Reworked missions to make them feel less like a chore, and also giving you more flexibility in selection/turning off, while still having the randomness element (should make my map easier to play without OP mods)
New missions, new enemy units for those missions
A new "Bonus" system for the hero that lets you tweak your play style even more (should aid in Alpha hero usefulness/survivability/team contribution extremely, specially on later waves). Here's what that looks like - 7 platforms, each giving you a certain buff to your hero.
You get a limited number of bonus Selectors to use on platforms of your choice.
As always, the entire list of changes is located inside the "Changes.txt" file in the Balance mod.
Here's a copy-paste of the latest:
Patch 166
Fixed allied bosses not spawning
Fixed allied bosses and reinforcements still spawning if the Rift was destroyed
Buffed reinforcements numbers, and Extra defences turrets
Reworked all missions to make them a bit easier on defenders and more random. Buffed them to compensate.
Added Sats and Spider mission to mission rooster, randomly selected between tele sacus
Gave all mission types descriptions so people know what they're up against.
Made script less prone to breaking due to lazy players not cleaning the map of units.
Increased CZAR numbers in waves, reduced Carriers.
Removed Harbringers from attacking waves (they reclaimed wrecks instead of attacking)
Reworked zombies meshes + gave them attacking animations for bites.
Fixed zombie mind control not working.
Fixed Gateways not getting killed.
Created and added Centipede, SpiderLord to attacking waves
Created Overlord and added to certain special waves
Removed mini Czars from allied Pride boss
Nerfed mini Czars hp, dmg, crash dmg
Nerfed Carrier spawn chance in waves, slowed down its speed.
Nerfed transports numbers if trans mission is chosen.
Nerfed Dominator turret DPS, death damage.
Air Omega secondary form cannot be mind controled anymore.
Created Bonuses for heroes + all acompanying units and buildings, can be turned OFF in map settings.
Fixed UEF t2 hero not being able to OC submerged units.
Nerfed Air hero death damages.
Fixed hero Sky tracker infinite build bug.
Made Cybran attached turrets on hero unselectable
Allowed Aeon Alpha to make limited numbers of Annihilators at higher lvls
Nerfed all Sera hero basic regen and max hp.
Buffed UEF HP gain when using special ability, nerfed the same for Aeon.
Fixed broken drone behavior for heroes.