FAF Association Update - August 2021
A few people have requested an update of me even though our next board meeting isn't until Thursday, so I thought I'd take some time to give a quick summary:
Since last update the following has happened:
- Our bank accounts are fully up and running
- We have paid out the on-hold funds from Patreon and are starting to use them
- Brutus is working on accounting and a way to make them transparent
- Swkoll has prepared a first draft of the budget
- Rowey is working on updating the patreon and setting up tiers to let supporters pick where their money goes
- The new code of conduct was finalized and approved.
- Due to the recent server issues we are considering moving to a more expensive Hetzner server; this is being discussed as I write this update and Brutus will post about it when we do
And finally some less positive news:
IceDreamer has resigned as a board member due to time constraints.
Not only was he board member however, he was also assistant auditor. So we are seeking a replacement auditor to be picked as a special agenda item at the next general election, who can assist Ceneraii our normal auditor with review of the accounts.
We do not expect any difference in the capacity of the board to function through the term due to this event.
On a personal note I would like to remind everyone that you do not need to be on the board or even in the association to contribute to FAF. Nor is being a member any kind of reward; it's simply more work. It's important work, however, and someone has to do it. So if you want to help out please do not hesitate to apply for the association
It is a group of people who have the community's best interest at heart and wish to see it thrive and grow, which is why we adopted the new code of conduct. It is important that everyone on FAF strives to follow the ideals it presents, but even more so, it is important that contributors hold it in high regard and try to follow it.
On behalf of the board