I get it, but titans and loya arent really mainline units like harbs and othuums are. Theyre only role really is to punish players that didnt tech up, which lasts until you either win or the other player does tech up. If youre fighting an Aeon or a Seraphim, then you need to start using percies/bricks when they start massing harbs and othuums. So in the end theyre less of a mainline unit but more of a raiding "hit and run" unit. Which inst bad, and i get it that is thei current role, it just isnt very useful after a certain point. I personally think they should be mainline units instead, but thats on me, and i can live with them fulfilling that role. But that doesnt change the fact that they dont really show up that much, and when they do they are only used for a while before being replaced by bricks and percies. Which kind of makes sense, as these two are pretty much t3.5 units, and on supcom higher tiers almost always replace the lower ones. But still, i think that they should be used more, even in maps that are more narrow like Setons and Gap (excluding astro, as its not a competitive map or anything near it, unlike the other two).
The solution for that, i think, is that the relationship between titans and loyas and percies and brick should be more mutual. Instead of being able to work perfectly on their own, they should have some sort of weakness that could be exploited in a way that makes titans and loyas more useful, as they would serve also as escorts for them (or just human shields agaisnt t4, which works as well tbh). The percie is already halfway on this, with its low rate of fire, but the brick is way too all around powerful. I guess you could keep the bricks power, but maybe make it more expensive or slow so it needs a escort of loyas to support it. This way both types of units are powerful, but they work better together instead of separated. Picture like, 5 or 6 loyas/titans for each percie and brick, with the lesser bots serving as the general army while the big boys support it, kind of how in t2 you have a few mongosses and hoplites sprinkled around the formation to support the tanks.
Of course, this (possible) change isnt necessary, but i still think it would be nice to have, as it puts these units in a position that they always should have been imo, and it would make t3 a bit more interesting besides just blobs of percies and bricks, like its ussualy seen.