Linux Support
When I try get the lobby back in full screen mode the game also crashed LOL. Seems like the game as a lot of issues on linux. Who told me I should try linux XD
I think it was working before I put it in windowed mode? Where is that stored how can i revert this. I tried deleting game.prefs but that had no effect
it doesn't sound like you're using proton's run file
did you add this to steam's launch option for FA ?
the PROTON_DUMP_DEBUG_COMMANDS allows for the creation of a run file under /tmp/proton_$USER/
you copy that file to you faf install dir and point to that file as the run arg for FA.
@axel12 can you please edit this video into your OP
Of course I have the script I copied it and I also set the options you are talking about. I am almost sure I did everything correctly. And it also worked. Till yesterday when it stoped working and I think it might be cause I am now in windowed mode. And also in the Exceptions the error is ralated to the window mode.
I only have no way of changing the window mode cause that crashes it as well
just delete the config file and re-run from steam. yeah windowed mode doesn't play ball on linux, which is kinda funny because fullscreen mode doesn't play ball on windows.
@axel12 said in Linux Support:
And it also worked. Till yesterday when it stoped working and I think it might be cause I am now in windowed mode.
remove / delete the game from the Steam library and reinstall it, i guess.
usually the game works fine with one monitor + fullscreen
(of course, why would anyone use windowed mode with one monitor...).
if you want to do two and windowed mode, then experiment with it. :)) -
@tatsu said in Linux Support:
@axel12 can you please edit this video into your OP
ok, i did.
however, i dont really like you chose oracle java.
it just complicates stuff for people.
and if some player has oracle setup and another one has openjdk setup, it makes harder to debug stuff. -
@foodlfg Yeah I mean in the video you see me hesitate a while for which to choose. I'll add the command for openjdk (sudo apt install openjdk-14-jre) as an annotation and in the details of the video. could you remove the comment about the oracle thing and add that command instead.
it's not as if I don't leave that choice to the user all over the video.
even at the .desktop file edit part I say "this part of the path is what you replace with 'openjdk' if that's what you installed"
@Brutus5000 I know it's late but, your guide :
@tatsu what is just delete the config? What file?
~/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/compatdata/9420/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Local Settings/Application Data/Gas\ Powered\ Games/Supreme\ Commander\ Forged\ Alliance/game.prefs
I have a weird issue (also if launched via steam): when I set windowed mode in the ui it works. But after a restart it goes fullscreen again. Then I need to choose a resolution, apply, choose windowed again, apply. But this is not possible for launched games ofc... any ideas?
wow I've never seen this before.
windowed works if you resize the window border with the mouse? for me there's a big chance it blackscreens when I do that.
Anyways I'd recommend you also delete the game.prefs file and relaunch from steam once. (set it to windowed then if you must)
why do you play windowed?
Installing windows fixed my issues XD
From my experience the game is more stable in windowed mode.
on windows. yes. I'm a big proponent of that idea as attested by my fullscreen script.
again on linux the opposite is sorta true considering the fullscreen issues you might get, the one you have for example.
If we can fix those and correctly fake fullscreen then maybe we can align linux a bit more with windows.
I actually don't know how to do this.
I'm sure fake-fullscreeing wine has been done before but I don't know how to do it
Thanks for the video tatsu; it was a big help
I did hit a snag when trying to launch the client however where it gives error:
Error: Could not find or load main class
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:'m on Ubuntu 20.04 and tried using both PPA as well as openjdk (made sure to set environment variable both times) and both gave same error. This is v1.2.0 stable unix release extracted to same folder as the Steam run file as shown in video.
Any ideas?
Got it. There's a hidden .install4j folder in the unix download which didn't get copied when I first extracted the pack and moved the files to where I wanted them. This time I just extracted and copied the run file into the folder without moving anything else and it launched fine so did the ol' ls -a to check for hidden files and found it.
@s3rvant or ctrl-H in file browser.
glad you sorted it.
And my pleasure for the vid.