M28AI Devlog (v204)
@Saver Thanks, hopefully should be sorted now but let me know if you have any issues
v197 Update
19 changes, including:- Various niche bugfixes
- Various changes relating to overflowing mass due to the unit cap, including reater use of quantum gateways and SACUs, getting SACU build power upgrades more commonly, ctrl-king T3 land and air factories if there are loads of them, and being more likely to build game-enders if lots of mass is stored
- Fixed a bug where disabling unit prioritisation would lead M28 to always build game-ender templates, and could e.g. cause it to build the same unit on repeat
- Hopefully fixed a bug where enabling shared armies mode in game settings would lead to M28 taking control of the Eye of Rihanne regardless of if M28 had been enabled on the unit
- 5 mod specific changes (relating to experimentals with no direct fire attack; t3 bombers firing salvos; and building paragon-like units for non-aeon factions)
- Saver - Noting eye of rihanne issue
- Vortex and Azraeel – Replay with various error messages relating to M28
- Wingflier – Replay where M28 failed to build a paragon/equivalent
v198 Update
6 changes, including:- Improved logic and bugfix relating to M28's choice of island to drop so it is more likely to drop large mex islands
- Fixed a bug with calculating enemy air threats that would lead to subs running from inties
- M28 should no longer go 3rd land on naval maps in a 1v1
- zwaffel - 1v1 replay against v194 M28
v199-200 Updates
12 changes, including:- Strat bombers should no longer target t1 units
- New logic for strat bombers early on to target enemy mexes and power
- Improved TMD defence against multiple enemy TML
- Azraeel – Mentioning that M28 planned bomber changes were giving strange results
- Fearghal – Noticing tooltip errors for M28, and M28 not working on swamp land city
- Chucups - Replay where M28 lost to large numbers of TML
We were talking about AI in our games last night and something that came up is that none of the AI know how to play PhantomX. Is this something that you think would be possible in the future? I imagine the simple part is teaching an AI that they need to break if they're the Phantom, but more complex is simulating how they would come to decide who the other phantoms are and who are the innocents.
Just a fun thought. Played a few games with M28 though and watching it kite me out is infuriating. Great job. lol
@Doompants I can't think of a straightforward way of making it work. I've not played phantom but my understanding is that every player is hostile, but that 1 is the 'phantom' with a bonus to resources, and you win if you kill them;
in which case the more straightforward options for the AI are either it treats everyone as hostile (which is what I'd expect to happen if you can attack other players), or it ignores units that aren't those of the phantom (which would presumbly make it fairly easy to tell who is the phantom, and also lead to it suiciding units into other players). -
v201 Update
9 changes, mostly based on yesterday's rainbow cup games, including:- Improved early T1 bomber so the ACU is less likely to build the air factory ontop of itself, and the bomber is more likely to try killing other engineers even when low health
- If the nearest enemy base is killed but their ACU escapes, M28 should reassess where the nearest enemy base is
- Land experimentals should be more cautious based on the enemy's global air threat, even if it doesnt detect any nearby air threat
- Made the temporary map-wide vision at the start of the game (to tell the AI where civilians are) take place earlier and for less time, so human teammates should no longer get to see if an opponent is going first air.
- MAA should be more likely to take into account enemy tanks that are in an adjacent zone and almost in range of them (so less likely to suicide into them).
- Fearghal - Organising and funding the Rainbow Cup Tournament VIII
V202 Update
23 changes, including:- 3 more changes from Bosem Valley RC games (including that strikers should be more likely to attack with auroras than to shadow them; tanks should be more likely to attack when the ACU is in combat)
- 8 changes from Adaptive Kusoge RC games (including if the enemy tries hiding their ACU on a transport or in water M28 should, when in a dominant position, try killing them; ACUs with advanced nano should be more aggressive; removed code that would result in a land factory being built if an air factory was currently under construction)
- 7 QUIET specific changes, including fixing some late-game issues with factories getting stuck in a cycle of constant enhancements, and multiple paragons being built in the same arti template area)
- 5 more general changes, including expanding M28's ACU snipe logic so if an ACU is near-death underwater M28 should consider sniping with torp bombers.
- Fearghal - Rainbow Cup VIII tournament
- Azraeel - Replay featuring various late-game issues for M28
- TheWatherAI - Replay with pathing related errors (although I was disappointed they then posted a negative review due to incorrectly thinking this was the cause of a crash they suffered)
V203 Hotfix
Mini-update to fix a couple of bugs agead of today’s Rainbow Cup:- Fixed a bug from v202 with M28’s ‘attack ACUs hiding in water’ logic
- T2 navy should be got sooner if enemy has t2 navy
- Fixed a bug that could cause frigates to suicide if the enemy had a submarine
- ACUs should try and stay slightly closer to a stealthed ACU they’re attacking
- Radde - mapgen replay
v204 Update
Small update for a few changes from the Swamp City Redux rainbow cup semi-final game that I had time to put through, with 7 changes, including:- If a teammate's ACU dies in full-share, and later loses their base, M28 should no longer treat that base as a safe location to run to (and so should be less likely to suicide into Wifi and an army of tanks...)
- Various adjustments relating to certain AI personalities, including increased use of PD for turtle AI, and decreased use of factories
- Certain AI personalities should no longer adopt a 'spam T1' approach to the game even if they had a teammate who was adopting such an approach and died
- Fearghal - RCVIII tournament