Can't login after update faf. Need help
@chpeck I would suggest that you start by either clearing your browsers cache or temporarily changing the Default Browser in Windows Settings.
If that doesn't work, then try adding an exception/exclusion for the FAF Client in both the active scan & firewall sections of your AV software & Windows Security.
If you still have an issue, then click the Reply button at the bottom between the
(View) icon & the "Mark unread" button. Next, open Run (Windows+R) & go to the following:
%USERPROFILE%/AppData\Roaming\Forged Alliance Forever\logs
Sort by Date Modified. From there, drag/drop your client.log file (the Text Document file without the date) into the Reply message window so those that can help (not me) have that data to look at.
Switch Default Browser brave-chrome, clear browsers cache. Windows Security off, AV software missing.
client.log -
2024-04-23T22:50:47.702+03:00 DEBUG 1088 --- [FAF Client] [JavaFX Application Thread] c.faforever.client.steam.SteamService : Steam API stopped
omg=/ if steam app closed, faf not working. thx