3v3 game does not start

3v3 game does not start. Although everything was working during the day.
I didn't click anything extra, just search for games...
Now for some reason there is a restriction on my account.image.png

It seems like yesterday I wasn’t the only one who had this problem and now very few players are looking for 3v3 and 4v4 games. No one wants to go rest for 30 minutes.

You have caused a matchmaking connection failure 1 time(s). Multiple failures result in temporary time-outs from matchmaker. Please seek support on the forums or discord for persistent issues

How could I cause a crash when I was just sitting and waiting for the game to start? Is it even worth using automatic selection of games? In random game modes, they don’t give timeouts.


I have this same issue often, but not always. it seems to be happening a lot lately, but maybe that is just random.

This is likely connected to the DDOS attacks that FAF is under:

A solution is being worked on as a priority but will take time.

You have caused a matchmaking connection failure 2 time(s). Multiple failures result in temporary time-outs from matchmaker. Please seek support on the forums or discord for persistent issues. You can queue again in 10 minutes
Today it is somehow quite problematic with your favorite game
