Where are lua files are located?
For example
local Objectives = import('/lua/ScenarioFramework.lua').Objectives
local ScenarioFramework = import('/lua/ScenarioFramework.lua')
local ScenarioPlatoonAI = import('/lua/ScenarioPlatoonAI.lua')
local ScenarioUtils = import('/lua/sim/ScenarioUtilities.lua')
local Utilities = import('/lua/utilities.lua')where from these ScenarioFramework.lua, ScenarioUtilities.lua etc?
Or atleast where is nice documentation that explains what any function does and which functions do even exist?I am just new to scripting so I don't know much.
Edit: I found where are these lua files, they are in 'pathToGame/gamedata/lua.scd and you have to open lua.scd via winRAR or smth else
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I found where are these lua files, they are in 'pathToGame/gamedata/lua.scd and you have to open lua.scd via winRAR or smth else
If you need the code from the FAF version, then you should look here:
C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata\lua.nx2 (also a .zip archive like the .scd files)