Whats new in version 1.2.2
The version is not yet released. You can find the preview here. On the other hand it might already be released by the time you are reading this.
I am gonna quickly interduce new features:
Client can cache multiple versions of featured mods, so you don't need to redownload everything after you watched an old replay. Needs to be activated in the settings for now
The m&m map picks are rotated
Admins can broadcast messages via the client
Client short cut is called FAF Client
Maps added to the map folder are automatically detected during runtime and added.
Lots of bug fixes
Client adds support to broadcast rating limits via server:
You can add min/max rating and also enforce it. If enforced the game is only shown to players that match the rating boundaries. If not enforced only a warning is shown to players that do not match the boundaries.
See the video how to use it.
Read the changelog for more information.
Thanks a lot to @Sheikah , @CoolMcGrrr and all other contributors for awesome contributions
This is really stellar work writing up the updates as additions in this manner.
Very nice work and much appreciated to all of you.
so i dont see anywhere, where it shows why the game si rate or not rated at. and i even looked at ones that have mods enabled.
Games just have to be running the main faf game mode with simulation mod.
See above for the full change list. Here is a video explaining how to limit your rating by range
https://youtu.be/UTyiNoUDHJE -
Can we have some optimization for java-client ?
Python client did not even take any cpu cycles, java one seems to constantly eat 20-25% of cpu.
I am pretty certain it has code like "while(true) {sleep(ms); dosomestuff();}" instead of epoll_wait or something similar.