I have listened to the youtube balance meeting. I would like to point out that 90% of Supreme Commander units are inspired from the Total Annihilation game.
So for the Cybran SACU upgrades I would perhaps sugest from TA:
"Necro" Resurrection bot, the SACU will have the hability to ressurect a dead unit, this would be a timed event and you would have to pay for the E cost but not for the mass of the dead unit
"Grinder" mass reclamation unit, the SACU will reclaim mass(TA metal) at a larger distance and this is automatic, if no mass in range, deals damage (low)
From SC:FA mods, the wagner missile(yes it has one) had a slightly longer range then main weapon and the missile carpet bombed with little medusa shots but with only stun(no damage). Cyran SACU allready has missiles so I think tis faction related.
RE: SACU Rebalance