RAS SCU's cant move, shoot or build while producing mass / energy (some kind of button to toggle)
RE: WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas
RE: Mirrors for slow downloads
are there any tools we can use to build additional mirrors?
RE: LanCache.NET support
@sheikah Yip, exactly that, maps / updates take AGES to download. I'm pretty confident its server side throttling or bandwidth limits, as i'm on 1Gbps connection here in New Zealand.
Guess if we are not comfortable allowing http for some of the content then its moot. In saying that, i think the point has been missed, as Epic Games / Steam all allow http to save money and speed up content delivery.
LanCache.NET support
Hi team, long time player and host of many LAN's involving FAF...
Any thoughts on supporting LanCache.NET?
...specifically for reducing ongoing bandwidth costs on FAF servers (*.content.faforever.com)