Thanks for the answer! I think someone mentioned it does less damage against buildings and ACUs, is that correct? And could I theoretically one-shot an experimental? It is always hard to find current information on things like this without reading a lot of patchnotes (many tutorial videos are years old and possibly out of date) or asking someone who knows. That's why I think having this on the wiki would be really beneficial.

RE: FAQ about gameplay || Feedback welcome
RE: FAQ about gameplay || Feedback welcome
These answers are great!
I got a few more questions:- How to capitalize on air superiority?
- I lost air superiority, what to do? (maybe split this into 1v1 and team games with a dedicated air player)
- How to use stealth?
- An explanation of the factory alt-move reclaim trick could be useful for beginners. For me it looked more like a bug than a useful feature at first.
- Maybe a list of common strategies (for example T1 spam, T2 rush) and short one sentence answers on how to react to them. If your opponent does X, you should do Y.
- An explanation on overcharge mechanics. I could not find that in the database. How much damage is dealt? How much energy is required? How many energy storages should I build?
RE: FAQ about gameplay || Feedback welcome
As a beginner these rules of thumb are extremely helpful.
Some more questions from me:What are some good army compositions for each faction/tech?
At what point in the game (both for 1v1 and large map team games) should I retreat my com to avoid getting sniped?
When and how to use tactical missile launchers? Are they worth it for sniping T2 mexes?
When should I go for a gun upgrade, when for T2?