buff uef

RE: My thoughts about balance
your suggestions are garbage
"As t1 subs still get crashed by t1 torpedo launcher (except for sera), I feel that they need to be cheaper OR they need to have more DPS. Both of the options causes an agressive and more open gameplay compared to HP buff."
"The hover ability of aeon can be removed or not, does not play any role for me, but I think auroras should be buffed in movement speed, in order to allow them to move faster to catch those raids and to dodge against t1 air. Someone can say that in that case they can become too powerful against other tanks. But I can include in my spam some arty with tanks and the range will not play so big role, cause aeon has the worst arty in case of attacking mobile units. It is very good againsts buildings usually, like facs or pgens."
"Bring the aeon destro range back or at least to 75, so that it will not lose so much dps, when fighting against sera or UEF."
"To buff an anty navy weapon for aeon, so that it will also impact battles."
"I do not see any compensation for sera not having t3 gunships. Why do not they have?"
"No idea, but the unit is just no present in the game"
"Honestly, I have no idea how to balance it, just want to point out the problem."