Game using peer-to-peer (P2P) architecture where every player connected to each other.
Thats good for LAN party and terrible for modern networks with all those firewalls and VPNs.
When two players can't establish direct connection, coturn/stun server help them to find the route using some smart tricks.
If you experience connectivity problems consider buying static IP address from your ISP.
As for single game server, that should improve connectivity, theoretically.
For example in 8v8 the total connection count is 49 (7 per player), with single server its only 7 (1 per player).
Chance of connection lost is much lower with less connection count.
But again, if host act as a server and unlucky with ISP all that doesn't matter.
If server running by FAF org or privately another problem arise:
- hardware and traffic cost
- server require maitance
- increased latency depending on player location (nogo for Oceanic players)
I made few tests but noting real, the code is available on github