Hello there, maybe its the wrong Subforum, please move it to the preferred location.
FYI: This post ignores the DDOS attacks and faulty/shitty internet connections.
I have read through a few technical issue posts concerning disconnects and read through the logs.
A Few things that came to my attention
the vast majority are drops of the UDP/RTP Session to a single or a number of players
the ICE Client seems to utilize the full range of the High-Port spectrum
The ice advanced log is not detailed enough.
Now, I don’t pretend to understand the ICE Client, but as someone handling complex PBX (Telephony / SIP) Systems which also are based on RTP Sessions I can see a lot of similar issues here.
- Since we can clearly see a successfully established RTP Session, which fails later on, we can assume that the firewall configuration is ok on all involved sides.
At one point or another we all have experienced the issue where we called some hotline, and got kicked out mid-call, or specialy when we are put on hold without waiting music being played.
This is considered inactivity for the RTP Session. Which can result in a timeout. I tend to believe that this is very similar to what happens to the RTP Sessions between players.
RTP Sessions drop by design when there is not enough noise on the line for defined period of time.
The PBX Admin can mitigate this issue by allowing much longer timeout periods or adding waiting music ← No shit.
I think this is something worth looking into from DEV side.
RTP-Sessions are a XXX, a nightmare for anyone with a well tuned Firewall.
To avoid health issues of the security admin, the PBX Admin usualy would limit the port range that RTP is allowed to utilize. 2.5X the factor of active sessions. E.G. lets assume we have a top of 2000 parallel players being active: We would allow 5000 RTP Ports. E.G. a predefined port range from 15000-20000. That's easier to manage and to document. -
The ICE Log and the advanced ICE log only tell me that sessions are dropped. But I don’t see any reasons/error codes. Might be my eyesight though.