Registration email
Hi, I just wanted to create an account for my son to play with me, and for some reason, the registration email doesn't appear in his inbox nor in spams.
It's a gmail account. Any way to resend the registration email ?As a sidenote, my account has been created without any problem from a far more obscure web provider, easily prone to bans and blacklists...
Thanks a lot.
Just re-register. The account is not generated until you click on the link
Hi, thanks for your help. I resubmitted the form several times and still nothing unfortunately...
We didn't have any trouble with gmail registration emails so far. PM me the email address you used for registration and I will have a look,
Hi, thanks for the help ! I just sent a new registration request this morning so you have something fressh to investigate and for some reason it actually worked. Go figure. Anyway thans again for your help !
I still need to know the email address
(We have a few dozen registrations per day)
As stated in my last message, this ultimate try actually worked and I instantly got the confirmation link in the mail.
I've since been able to register properly and link steam and faf...
So, do you still need the email adress for investigation purposes ?
Oh sorry, I wasn't paying attention to that part