Moving Global ICE / Coturn servers to Cloudflare
The ICE adapter relies on ICE / Coturn servers to make connectivity working.
With the incoming DDoS attacks last year we hastily extended our self hosted Coturn servers with a 3rd party server called Xirsys. Quite expensive and not as successfull "connective" as we were hoping.
Recently Cloudflare has launched their own
product as a beta. As part of that we can use their TURN services. Much cheaper than Xirsys, and hopefully more stable and more connective. Today we replaced the turn services from Xirsys with the ones from Cloudflare.If you have recently disabled the GLOBAL entry in your Client settings for preferred coturn servers, please re-enable it again and give it some time for testing.
In addition to that we will soon bring back the "Force relay" connection in the client that helped some users but had to be removed due to the cost situation with Xirsys.