Hey guys,
is there any way to switch live replay off in the client ?
I have searched in the client and in the forum but i can´t find anything.
To me it looks like the replay is being streamed from me and causing traffic for each viewer.
Unfortunately I only have 16k DSL ( 16,9 MBit/s Down / 1,7 MBit /s Up).
My connection works fine for 12 player games or 10 player games if i use voice via discord or ts.
In the past weeks sometimes my ping is spiking like hell (going up to 1000ms for 1 sec each 5 sec ), making the game unplayable.
Every time this happens i checked my connection ( Up and Down speed are the same) and that there are no other devices online ( i deactivate wlan on router and my PC is the only device connected via LAN ). I also checked the processes ... no downloads running, no updates, no programms like steam/ GOG in backround that might cause traffic.
Recently a friend told me, that he was watching my live replay, when i had one of this crashes...
so can anyone help me please and tell me how live replay is working ?
is it causing traffic for each viewer ?
and the most important thing is.. how can i turn live replay off ?
Thanks in advance for the help.