How about MORE decals?....Is there a site for these too?

thanks all for the recommendations for I was looking for some place to grab more ready to use decals I can just paste into my maps?....Any ideas?

Or is there an easy way to make them? I saw some other types of files with the textures such as displacement, roughness, AO ect....just curious what these are for? I tried pasting one a decal and it looked horrible with a washed out white stamp appearance........

A decal is an albedo or normal texture with an alpha mask to hide the square shape. You could theoretically create decals from any regular texture that you can find on these texture websites, but it is some effort.
Roughness textures are used for PBR workflows and currently the map shaders don't support this. (Though I am working on adding this in the future)
But really you should just google how these textures you mentioned are to be used. You will find much more comprehensive explanations online. Sometimes even directly on the texture websites where you saw them