Log in Issue

Hi Guys,

I have a problem to log in in the faf client.
When I run it in showing me logging in al the time on not moving behind it.
Don't understand why.

What if you use another version? For example, this is https://github.com/FAForever/downlords-faf-client/releases/tag/v2021.10.0

Also please upload the client.log file at: C:\ProgramData\FAForever\logs
ProgramData is a hidden folder.
You need to enable the display of hidden folders or insert into the address bar of the explorer.

After I upgraded to the new version 2021.0.11 I have the same problem - before everything was okay and I could log in without any problems.
I hope you can fix that bug soon- Thanks!

P.S.: If you still do need more logfiles please contact me- no problemclient.log