The next server update has been scheduled for the 13.02.2021 betwen 8.30 - 10.30 GMT (=UTC).
What is planned so far:
- Migrate ratings and rating changes to new leaderboard tables
- Upgrading NixOS to release channel 20.09 (including update of all userspace packages and a reboot)
- Reconfigure Docker to no longer use native ZFS volumes but transparent ext4/xfs volumes (managed by ZFS). Reason: there are performance and management issues with the native ZFS storage support in Docker
- Set up ZFS autosnapshot and tune it
- Update all Docker base images to the latest bugfix release for FAF services (e.g. MySQL, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, Prometheus, ...)
- Update lobby server to next version containing several bugfixes
What could come if we have enough time to make it happen:
- Move from MySQL to MariaDB
- Implement ZFS tuning as researched by Mozilla/Let's Encrypt (* requires MariaDB)
What will probably not come:
- Update the replay server in order to use Zstandard compression for new replays