Reinstate OnceHandsome
Please reinstate OnceHandsome to be able to upload maps. His maps keep the game fresh and fun.
I also enjoy his garbage maps. Reinstate please.
He's the only kid keeping the new map scene alive
It can't be fair to ban him, the man creates a lot of fun maps and is one of the most active players. Every single evening he is there hosting games on his own maps and being nice.
This man has brought so many good maps to the FAF community. His maps make you think and require a strategy to beat your enemy. Honestly, his maps make FAF fun. Rather than Dual Gap or Astro, you spam factories and rush T4 Arty every time. HIs maps are consistently better too if I might add. Please reinstate this man. Youtubers like TheDuelist, Tactical Takeover, and even Gyle have shared his maps on their channel and I have not heard any of them complain.
Wow 6 users with their first forum post all asking the same thing.
If that isn't a coincidence. -
Also bans are not publicly discussed. Contact the moderator team for ban appeals.
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