Cant Upload map because same name exists.!!!??
Can someone help me....I spent 30 hours creating a map only to find that the same name map exists from 2012 and it says im not the author!!.....My map is a totally different design....what can I do quickly to fix this problem...I tried resaving my map as a different name and it gave me all kinds of ULA Save, map, errors when trying to upload to FAF!
Please help me
sad story
what can i do to fix this??
Start reading the errors and fix them one by one?
In your map folder there is a <map name>_scenario.lua for. In there are certain paths that most probably need to be changed.
wouldnt it be easier to ask one of the admins here to pull that older map down? clearly was someone's simple test map back in 2012 and it doesnt even have any downloads or play time.......its called Skull Island. My map is ready to go and I have a good group of people waitin to play it. I tried fixing the 4 different paths and it seems to be stilling giving me the same errors.
thank you all...I figured it out with all your help....very easy actually, I just resaved my map into a newer folder and uploaded to FAF under a different name!
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Locked before my blood pressure makes my head explode