Team Matchmaker rollout plans


About a month ago I posted about our plans to release the Team Matchmaker towards the end of December or early January. I wanted to follow up on that post to say that we are still on schedule with that timeline.

At the end of this week, we will be entering an "opt-in beta" phase of the matchmaker release. This means sometime around the 25th of December we will make another forum post with a download link to a special version of the FAF client that you can use to start playing TMM. The matchmaker will remain in this "opt-in" state for an as yet undefined amount of time until we have had a chance to evaluate the matchmaker's performance and squash any remaining critical bugs.

The more people opt-in, the shorter the wait times will be, so please help me spread the news!

That's cool. I'll sign up as soon as I see the option.


Ouh yeah, I'm interested

some good stuff,cool

queuing with a newbie to show him the beauty of tmm and meeting tagada be like:

You can start playing TMM now! Download link is available in this post: