This is a bit off topic, but keeping the funds 'on hold' until the sanctions are gone is just flat out false hope towards the sanctioned players and complicates the responsibilities for future treasurers and/or board members.
Looking at the geopolitical narrative there's not a single indication that either side is about to give up, let alone that Europe will drop sanctions even if the war would end tomorrow. The world has simple changed and we need to act on that.
In my humble opinion the only thing that we (read: the board) did wrong was not make this (more) clear. Starting with the statement we should've pushed a clear message/post to every tournament that involves FAF funds that sanctioned players can not receive any form of monetary compensation for participating in that tournament and therefore effectively only play for the honor and perhaps a (special) avatar.
And because of that mistake sanctioned players and the tournament directors are rightfully frustrated. I get that, and I wish we thought of it in March 2022 when we wrote the initial statement. But we didn't, and I'd like to personally apologize towards the people that we let down by that.