Seton's Clutch Tournament Best team of 2023

@syndicus said in Seton's Clutch Tournament Best team of 2023:

Due to ongoing concerns for the state of the game. I'm going to postpone the tourney till next Saturday. I will include 2 more team entries due to the surplus of player entries. Everyone else will be substitutes in case player misses event hit time. If in the event we don't get the sufficient rated players on the lower end of the rating 1500 or less I will allow 100+- past combined rating.
In the meantime, please post replay numbers where any bugs that may cause disruption to the game, in the "bug reporting" section on the FAF discord.

If you would adapt my rating we could get our team filled right away with that rule. I am not 1600 anyway.

well when u logged in u had 1600.... so rating fixing not work...
i could lose rating to and get a better team.. u have to deal with it

@crusher12321 you have foley, what better team you want ???🐶

Sign me up for cheeses slot, it seems like he wont be able to play
*2000 rating

sign in, i am instead mr science ~1500

@man_on_the_moon said in Seton's Clutch Tournament Best team of 2023:

Sign me up for cheeses slot, it seems like he wont be able to play
*2000 rating

Jup, sadly can't play on the 11th.

@crusher12321 said in Seton's Clutch Tournament Best team of 2023:

well when u logged in u had 1600.... so rating fixing not work...
i could lose rating to and get a better team.. u have to deal with it

I never logged in actually

sign me up pls, gulmo 1900

hello sign me as an extra! (1900)

sign up

sign up 1200 raiting

sign up(1800)

I just realized this tournament starts at 6am for me. Kinda brutal

Remove my name from the team. Get a substitute.

Since my team is unfilled. I will take Citron's spot on the team with JT, Gulmo, and Chan.

@syndicus sign up 1200

I regret to inform you that I have been hit by the flu and am unable to participate in the tournament, so my slot would be available for a reserve player. Good luck to all of you.

sorry i am out to. i not have time this early

fixed i can play