Cybran Adaptive AIx Subs on surface by default.
Running M27AI Cybran T1 and T2 subs stay on surface too long and get destroyed by long range land units and T1 bombers. I have noticed some Cybran subs that are actually underwater in mid game. Aeon faction subs seem ok.
@aware Have you got a replay as an example?
No I can not send a replay. I was testing a new map with three M27AI vs three Adaptive [email protected]
I have changed title ... Your M27AI was in game but did not build shipyards. The problem was with a standard Adaptive AIx of Cybran faction.It seems easy to recreate the issue by just running Cybran standard Adaptive AIx against another standard Adaptive AIx on a water map.
We run some mods
- M27AI
- All faction Quantum Gate
- TeamPlay_M27AI custom maps
btw thanks maudlin27 for your M27AI ... we are having a lots of fun team games against your creation. We use custom maps that are not in vault so it is hard to share replays.
Thanks for the info
@relentless FYI (sounds like an issue with default AI)