I do agree with the post to some degree. As you can see in my status here (which I changed literally 2 days ago) you can kind of figure that I wouldn't mind some requirements, however I do enjoy reading post from e.g. ComradeStryker since they provide detailed PoVs and not only a personal opinion.
About the other ppl I'm neutral and don't want to get personal here since the forum is the wrong place for it.
To come back to the problem, I do agree that the Discord became quite a joke. Sadly it's quite a lot of shitposting or just straight up ridiculous ideas like ACU having Oxygen or food as an extra ressource and that shorta shit, things which won't get implemented due to - well - obvious reasons. Personally I do ignore most of the posts there even though they have 200+ messages and might have a few good inputs, each time someone wants to explain me something though I'll redirect them to the forum instead. Don't think many balance members are following the thread there.
From my personal PoV: I've applied to the balance team because I play / talk a lot with lower ranked people and can see some problems they have which are just invisible or not a big deal for high ranks, effectively meaning that I was aiming to be the voice for those ~1200-2000 ranked people (Ignoring my toxicity to some certain people). So for me lower ranked takes are indeed important, but I'd say only if they either are 1200+ ranked or if they provide a very detailed view on specific topics.
For the ones wondering why I don't consider the <1200 ranked players when talking about balance: Cuz most things seem either trash or OP for them. The old gun ACU before the recent nerf? Was still too weak because it was hard to micro in order to stay in range! The sniperbots? Trash because 2 bombers can just snipe them due to their hp!
So far nearly all topics on the Discord were not interesting for me (or I just skipped through them) but I wouldn't go so far to just say "people <1200 rating are not allowed to talk about balance". I'd prefer removing the balance-thread on the Discord entirely and moderate balance-takes more strictly so thinks like the oxygen / food threads are not considered a balance due to obvious reasons (which at one point should be written down).
Or in short:
Move balance-thread to forum, moderate more strictly and close threads which rather aim for the "mod-suggest"-direction.